VERMONT — The […]
Author: Kevin Wondrash
Diocese of Madison welcomes six new priests
It was more than just the biggest night of their lives — it was a special night for their families, the Diocese of Madison, and the Church as a whole.
No moment symbolically externalized the work of the Holy Spirit more than the thunderous applause for six men who had just presented themselves to Bishop Robert C. Morlino to be ordained to the priesthood.
Encyclical is prophetic, challenging, wonderful
It’s courageous, it’s prophetic, it’s challenging, it’’ holistic, it’s wonderful: That’s what I think of Pope Francis’ environmental encyclical Laudato Si’, on Care for Our Common Home.
Quoting his patron saint, Francis of Assisi — who is also the patron saint of ecology — Pope Francis begins his papal letter with a beautiful verse from the saint’s Canticle of the Creatures: “‘Praise be to you, my Lord, through our Sister, Mother Earth, who sustains and governs us, and who produces various fruit with colored flowers and herbs.'”
Our common home
“St. Francis of Assisi reminds us,” writes the pope, “that our common home is like a sister with whom we share our life and a beautiful mother who opens her arms to embrace us. . . .
Changing my body to ‘match’ my ‘identity’
The famous Olympian Bruce Jenner made headlines recently when he told ABC News, “For all intents and purposes, I’m a woman . . . That female side is part of me. That’s who I am.”
He has been receiving hormonal treatments to acquire feminine traits and is not yet sure whether he will undergo surgery to “complete” the process.
His dramatic case raises important ethical and medical concerns about properly understanding our identity and respecting the given order of our bodies.
Former Protestant minister to speak at Monona parish
MONONA — Former Protestant minister Bruce Sullivan will present his life-changing conversion story at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, 5101 Schofield St., on Thursday, July 23, from 7 to 9 p.m.
As a former Church of Christ minister, Bruce Sullivan was a zealous apostle for what he believed to be the true Gospel. As such, he was also ardently anti-Catholic. In fact, his dream was to be a missionary to the largest Catholic nation in the world — Brazil.
All of that changed, however, when he was confronted with the truth and beauty of the Catholic faith while trying to “evangelize” a Catholic family that had moved into his community.
Prayer Shawl Rendezvous in Baraboo
BARABOO — St. […]
Knights of Columbus to hold brat fry fundraiser in Baraboo
BARABOO — Monsignor O’Reilly Knights of Columbus Council 746 will hold a brat sale at Pierce’s Marketplace on Friday and Saturday, July 24 and 25, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
All profits will be split equally between the Backpack Project and Coats for Kids.
The Backpack Project is a community project that provides school supplies and personal items to financially disadvantaged children in the Baraboo School District.
Long distance caregiving
Q My mother lives in a small community in northern Wisconsin. My dad died a few months ago and since his passing the children (three daughters) have noticed how much he did for mom.
We collectively have noticed some forgetfulness, lack of attention to housekeeping, and poor nutrition.
We all live in different communities. My oldest sister is the closest, about a one hour drive; my youngest sister is the farthest, a six hour drive; and I am in the middle, about four hours away. My older sister feels that in order to keep mom home where she wants to stay, we should each spend one week each month with her.
The awakening
Morgan Smith |
I am thinking now of my friend’s face. It is lit up with a mix of joy and surprise.
The other day, he was talking about his brother, whom he had seen the weekend before. His brother is in a program for recovering addicts which after years, he had finally wanted to enter. My friend was struck by his conversation with his changing brother. And so was I.
A new view of life
My friend said of his brother: “He shared in a way I’ve never witnessed him share before, about some changes in himself. He’s forming a new view on life; in particular he has an openness to being surprised, to novelty. He now takes his walks differently, open to beauty, and treats his interactions with people differently, wanting to learn about them and hear their story.”
We’ve been here before
Recently, I had the privilege of spending four hours in the Sistine Chapel with my Word on Fire team. Toward the end of our filming, the director of the Vatican Museums, who had accompanied us throughout the process, asked whether I wanted to see the “room of tears.”
This is the little antechamber, just off of the Sistine Chapel, where the newly-elected pope changes into his white cassock. Understandably, tears flow in that room, once the poor man realizes the weight of his office.
Papal memorabilia
Inside, there were documents and other memorabilia, but what got my attention was a row of albs, chasubles, and copes worn by various popes.