To the editor:
Thank you for the beautiful article about the new nativity at Edgewood High School. What a beautiful gift to provide to the community. This young lady knows what is truly important.
To the editor:
Thank you for the beautiful article about the new nativity at Edgewood High School. What a beautiful gift to provide to the community. This young lady knows what is truly important.
To the editor:
Can we expect a good outcome from a culture that enables any sexual behavior at any time and then tries to “bail out” the “victim” using abortion, Gardasil, HIV drugs, psychotherapy, etc?
To the editor:
In our Christ the King Sunday Gospel, Jesus proclaims: “Amen I say to you. What you did NOT do for one of these least ones, you did NOT do for me.” And these will go off to eternal punishment.
Nota del redactor: La columna siguiente se toma de la homilía del obispo del primer domingo del Adviento, noviembre. 30, 2008.
Decimos al Señor, al principio de este Adviento, “Ven Señor Jesús; ¡no tardes! Renueva tu poder en nosotros Señor y ven a salvarnos.
¡No tardes!” Y cuando lo pedimos en oración, creemos que será contestado. Pero, sabemos que la venida de Jesús al final de la historia, al final de este mundo como lo conocemos, puede no ser la semana próxima o el mes próximo. El regreso del Señor probablemente va a ser retrasado. . . por lo menos así lo pensamos. . .
Me parece que el día de trabajo fue apenas ayer y aquí nos encontramos en Día de Acción de Gracias y el principio de la “época del día de la festividad.” En el primer lugar, estoy agradecido con todos ustedes en Acción de Gracias – ustedes que son mis hermanos y hermanas en la familia diocesana. Somos de hecho una familia, y los miembros de familia no siempre se llevan perfectamente. Pero, seguimos siendo una familia en Cristo, y ninguno de nosotros, ni yo mismo especialmente, debemos olvidar nunca eso. Así vivimos y seguimos hacia adelante juntos en gratitud, exactamente de la misma manera que cada familia lo hace y debe hacer.
In his writing prime, Mark Twain reportedly earned five dollars for each word that he wrote in articles that were published.
Even without considering inflation, this is good pay. A friend once playfully sent him a letter with a five dollar bill enclosed. He requested that Mark Twain send him his favorite word.
The latest news out of the State Budget Office confirmed what most state government observers have feared for some time. Wisconsin is facing its most serious budget deficit on record.
Like their counterparts in Washington, state policy makers confront serious choices as they manage Wisconsin’s fiscal house.
Like other crises, financial difficulties can be defining. For it is the choices we make when faced with hard decisions that define who we are and say more about what we value. It is at such times that we are in greatest need of principles and values to guide our judgment and clarify our vision.
The word Advent comes from the Latin word adventus which means coming. During Advent we wait patiently for the coming of Jesus. According to the General Norms for the Liturgical Year and Calendar, Advent has a two-fold character. It is a season to prepare for Christmas when Christ’s first coming to us is remembered. It is also a season when that first remembrance directs our minds and hearts to remember Christ’s second coming at the end of time. Thus Advent is a season of devout and joyful expectation.
Mary is the model of Advent waiting for us because she joyfully, prayerfully, and patiently waited for the birth of Jesus whom she carried in her womb close to her heart.
To the editor:
Grateful thanks to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops who, at their recent meeting, recognized the dangers of the so-called Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) and spoke passionately in opposition. Stopping FOCA is of the utmost priority and necessity. Why? Because FOCA places women and unborn babies in peril, silences your voices, and ignores your values.
To the editor:
I first want to thank you for doing such a good job of publishing articles and letters which were aimed at helping Catholics make an informed choice in the past election.