MADISON — St. Dennis Parish, 413 Dempsey Rd., sponsors a Mom’s Group on Tuesday mornings, 9:30 to 10:45 a.m., during the school year. The group meets in the church hall.
Author: Chris Lee
Ahora tenemos un llamado a una nueva evangelización
Esta columna está dirigida a los fieles de la Diócesis de Madison. Cualquier circulación más amplia transgrede la intención del Obispo. |
Queridos amigos:
Con la llegada del Día del Trabajo y el comienzo del año escolar en muchas escuelas, hemos llegado al final no oficial del verano. Rezo para que este tiempo haya sido de descanso y solaz para ustedes y los suyos, y le agradezco a Dios que así haya sido en mi caso.
Cada año, el Papa Benedicto pasa algunos días hacia finales de agosto con un grupo de académicos, la mayoría de los cuales fueron sus alumnos cuando él era maestro universitario.
Este grupo, adecuadamente llamado los “Schülerkreis” del Papa o “círculo de estudios” dedica algo de su tiempo a ayudar al Santo Padre a hacer lo que él considera más reparador y revitalizante: es decir, leer, debatir, estudiar y orar sobre un tema durante una semana más o menos. Esta probablemente no es la idea que tienen ustedes de unas vacaciones “divertidas”, pero nos da una hermosa luz sobre el interior del hombre que es nuestro Santo Padre, y le damos gracias a Dios por él.
Labor Day invites us to reflect upon the dignity of work
This year Labor Day falls on September 5, shortly before the 10th anniversary of 9-11. Most who died in these terrorist attacks were working when they died. On Labor Day, we can honor their memory by prayerful reflection on the value of work and workers.
Labor Day is a national holiday during which we honor the dignity of workers and the quality of their work. According to Hilda Solis, secretary of labor, the first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on September 5, 1882, to honor the social and economic achievements of American workers.
We celebrate Labor Day for very good reasons
Years ago, when we were packing for one of our family vacations, I asked my mother where she went for vacations when she was a little girl.
“We didn’t take vacations when I was little,” she said. “Your grandfather worked for a railroad, and if he wanted a day off, they would give his job to someone else.” She paused a moment and said, “Later when the union came, we got to take vacations.”
Enjoy benefits won by others
I think of that moment from time to time, usually around Labor Day. It’s useful to recall that what many of us enjoy today is the result of victories won by others years ago.
What happened to freedom of religion?
Is pregnancy a disease? Should Catholics, purchasing insurance for themselves or their employees be forced against their consciences to subsidize its prevention?
These questions lie at the heart of new regulations just issued by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which will administer President Barack Obama’s new health care law.
Ethics of reproductive health care
The regulations include a list of “preventive services” that all group health plans must provide without any co-pay. The list includes female surgical sterilization, plus all FDA-approved contraceptives, including some (like the prescription drug ella) that can act as abortifacients.
Former Planned Parenthood worker inspires action
To the editor:
I couldn’t put Abby Johnson’s book down, unPlanned, I needed to share the following:
I quit: Abby Johnson, former director of a Planned Parenthood abortion mill in Texas, may not have said, “I quit,’’ however, her actions proved she did. Abby, an R.N., had been named as “employee of the year,’’ being valued as a committed, energetic, caring person. “Wearing many hats,” one day she was asked to help in the surgical room, where abortions were performed. Helping with an ultra-sound guided abortion, she expected to learn something. And indeed she did!
Brides of yesteryear should be applauded for modest wedding dress styles
To the editor:
I just wanted to comment on something in the Catholic Herald article “Balancing Fashion and Faith” (August 11 issue) which was regarding selecting modest wedding dresses.
As I read the article out loud to my husband, I was THRILLED to see my sentiments communicated so clearly and succinctly about the need for modest wedding dresses. I recently did an alteration to a friend’s wedding dress to accomplish her goal of having a modest wedding gown.
Closing rural post offices makes no sense
Rural life is a daily challenge to survive on most days; we citizens blessed enough to live in the beauty of the country often are too busy trying to get by to really enjoy all the scenic views of the rural landscape.
At this very moment I am looking at the tree-line between my property and the old Gilbertson Farm west of our home and billowing out in huge clouds of white smoke are the fiery fingers of flames that are consuming my neighbor’s cow barn.
Westfield parish celebrates 50th anniversary
WESTFIELD — Good Shepherd Parish in Westfield will celebrate its 50th anniversary on Sunday, Aug. 21. A special Mass of Thanksgiving will be celebrated by Fr. Michael C. Richel, pastor. Former pastors and priest-friends of the parish have been invited to concelebrate the liturgy.
Bishop designates local CCHD grants
MADISON — Each year, parishes take up a special collection, in November, for the Catholic Campaign Human Development (CCHD). CCHD is the domestic anti-poverty program of the U.S. Catholic bishops.