JEFFERSON — St. Coletta of Wisconsin announces that they have finalized all details in the sale of its historic 38-acre Tax Incremental District (TID) school campus to Todd Schultz, developer of Sanctuary Ridge, LLC.
JEFFERSON — St. Coletta of Wisconsin announces that they have finalized all details in the sale of its historic 38-acre Tax Incremental District (TID) school campus to Todd Schultz, developer of Sanctuary Ridge, LLC.
On July 4, 1939, Lou Gehrig enjoyed an early Thanksgiving Day. On Lou Gehrig Appreciation Day at Yankee Stadium, the Hall of Fame first baseman told 61,808 baseball fans that he was the luckiest man on earth.
At age 36, he was dying from Lou Gehrig’s disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis); yet, he was thankful because God gifted him with great athletic ability, wonderful fans, teammates, and a good family.
Many years ago a missionary friend of mine told me about a beautiful tradition practiced by the people who live in Uganda, East Africa.
From a very young age children are taught to live with grateful hearts. The word they use is “webali,” which is an expression of gratitude for all God’s gifts no matter how seemingly insignificant.
For example, any time a person goes to another’s home, the host thanks that person for taking the time out of his day to visit and the guest thanks the host for welcoming him into his home. If someone has a conversation with another, that person thanks her for taking time to speak and listen to her.
School Sister of […]
MIDDLETON — “If it wasn’t for Catholic Charities, I wouldn’t be alive today,” Kelly Livingston told those attending the 16th annual Catholic Charities (CC) Awards Dinner held on November 10 at the Marriott Hotel here.
MADISON — In a full hour-long talk, with questions following, Sr. Sara Butler addressed attendees of the St. Thérèse of Lisieux Lecture November 8 on the topic of women’s ordination.
COLUMBUS — St. Jerome Parish in Columbus has been asked by representatives of the Columbus Police Department to reserve its comments regarding a recent arrest and ongoing legal investigation, to the following:
El siguiente es una epistola pastoral de los obispos de Wisconsin sobre la ley de portación y ocultación de armas.
El 1 de noviembre de 2011, será legal la portación de armas para las personas en Wisconsin que tengan permisos de portación válidos. Los Obispos Católicos de Wisconsin ofrecen algunas opiniones, a la luz de la enseñanza católica, para ayudarles, tanto a católicos en general como a los líderes parroquiales, para discernir sobre cómo hablar y actuar con respecto a esta nueva implementación legal.
Primero, reflexionamos sobre el verdadero significado de la libertad. Dios nos ha creado para ser realmente libres, y saber ejercer nuestra libertad para edificar una sociedad de respeto, justicia, paz y prosperidad. Tanto la ley natural como nuestra constitución tradicional apoyan este entendimiento de la libertad individual como un derecho humano intrínseco. Esta libertad incluye tanto la libertad religiosa como el derecho a la defensa propia. La verdadera libertad sin embargo, no es la licencia de hacer lo que nosotros queramos. Más bien, es la capacidad de hacer moralmente lo que deberíamos de hacer, construir una sociedad justa y glorificar a Dios, quien es el autor de toda libertad y la fuente de la dignidad humana.