MADISON — On September 7, nearly 200 Catholics from parishes across the diocese gathered at the Bishop O’Connor Center to listen to a presentation about the upcoming renovation of the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel at Holy Redeemer Church in Madison.
The event was highlighted by a video animation of the proposed renovations for the Adoration Chapel. A series of printed three-dimensional renderings of the renovations were also placed throughout the gathering area and later unveiled.
Those attending were also introduced to a new Web site ( A summary of its innovative features followed, giving all those interested in spending time with our Lord a better means for signing up for and getting involved in the Perpetual Adoration program.
Interim Adoration coordinator, Brian Wentz, spoke of the importance of Eucharistic Adoration, alluding to St. John Chrysostom and explaining that the strength of prayer increases as single petitions are joined together in a greater unity and litany of devotion.
He also thanked Richard Blaney, the previous coordinator, for all of his years of service in developing and sustaining Perpetual Adoration at Holy Redeemer.
Msgr. Kevin Holmes, pastor of the Cathedral Parish which includes the chapel, also spoke at the event and, among other things, encouraged Catholics to promote the faith through the apostolate of the laity outlined by the Second Vatican Council and its vision of the “new evangelization.” He also addressed other issues relating to the proposed renovation and, along with Wentz, answered audience questions.
Dennis and Travis Ganser, designers and architects of the Adoration renovations, displayed a number of materials that were to be used in the remodeling project. The digital artists who created the video animation and three-dimensional images of the new chapel, Archi and Bozena Zarzycka, were also present.
Those who have not yet seen the presentation may go to and view the 3-D animation or sign-up online for a special Adoration gift package.
Promotional materials and literature can also be found in the pockets of the banner stand outside the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel at Holy Redeemer Church as well as in the kiosks at St. Patrick Church in Madison.