The year 1925 was the time of the song “Yes Sir, That’s My Baby,” Charlie Chaplin’s The Gold Rush, and President Calvin Coolidge. It was also the year that the needs of neighbors struggling to make ends meet galvanized a small group of Catholic parishioners in the Madison area.
Day: March 19, 2025
Perseverance in our faith
At this point of Lent, I usually need a little (or a lot) of encouragement to keep faithful to my commitments in this holy season, and so I am thinking that a reflection on perseverance is opportune, maybe for all of us.
CDMF welcomes two new board members
The Catholic Diocese of Madison Foundation (CDMF) is pleased to announce the addition of two members to its Board of Directors.
The changeup
Those who caught last month’s column may recall that I was on a bit of a hopeful high: Savoring my Valentine décor, embracing a reinvigorated devotion to The Little Flower, and resting in the solace of my epiphany regarding heavy crosses that are long in duration.
Testigos de la Esperanza: Seamos fructíferos
Estamos bien encaminados hacia este tiempo de Cuaresma, y durante esta semana se nos invita a profundizar en nuestra fe y confianza en las promesas de Dios. También se nos anima a escuchar a Jesús y a vivir como ciudadanos del Cielo. Nuestras lecturas para el Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma nos llaman al arrepentimiento y a regresar al Señor.
Witnesses to Hope: Be fruitful
We are well on our way into this season of Lent, and we are invited to deepen our faith and trust in God’s promises this week.
Half a Lent is better than no Lent
A couple of weeks into a new year, there’s a day called “Quitter’s Friday”. It’s the alleged day in which many people who had noble goals — eat less, exercise more, donate more money to charities, be less angry at outcomes of sporting events — decide to, well, “quit,” and go back to how things were prior to that respective January 1.