Robert “Bob” and Rita Schelble exchanged wedding vows 76 years ago, in September of 1948 in La Crosse. Now 98 and 97, respectively, they’ve lived a full life together and currently reside in Sun Prairie.
Day: March 5, 2025
Parish mergers announced
The Diocese of Madison has announced the merger of a new parish — Queen of Apostles — as of February 22.
Let us give our hearts to the Lord
In these recent weeks leading up to Lent, I have spent much time in prayer meditating on the heart — my heart, your heart, the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Bible mentions “the heart” more than 700 times. We know the heart symbolizes our deepest self, the center of our emotions, desires, longings, and loves.
‘Appreciation is the greatest gift’
Rich Braun has kept two lessons from his father in his heart. The first lesson, he said, was his father’s “sense of generosity [that] certainly carried over into my life,” and the second: Always having a large, prosperous garden.
Appointments 3-1-2025
Very Rev. Tait Schroeder, Vicar General, announces the following clergy appointments, effective
Saturday, March 1, 2025, and announced the same day, based on the merger of All Saints Parish in Berlin, Our Lady of the Lake Parish in Green Lake, Holy Family Parish in Kingston and Markesan, Saint John the Baptist Parish in Princeton, and Saint James Parish in Neshkoro, to become Mater Dei Parish, as decreed by Most Rev. Donald Hying, Bishop of Madison:
Appointments 2-22-2025
Very Rev. Tait Schroeder, Vicar General, announces the following clergy appointments, effective Saturday, February 22, 2025, and announced the same day, based on the merger of St. Dennis Parish in Madison and St. Peter Parish in Madison, to become Queen of Apostles Parish, as decreed by Most Rev. Donald Hying, Bishop of Madison:
Become like a child lost in love for Our Lord this Lent
In the old church a mile from our house, beautiful stained glass windows depict the life of Christ and other biblical images.
Entreguémosle nuestro corazón al Señor
En las últimas semanas antes de la Cuaresma, he pasado mucho tiempo en oración meditando sobre el corazón: Mi corazón, tu corazón, el Sagrado Corazón de Jesús.
Be a witness to hope this Lent
At the start of our Lenten journey, we are encouraged to draw closer to God through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
A different way of learning about death
We have all experienced death in some way. Many of us have had close relatives or friends die. We’ve all had to accept that once someone is gone, they are gone.