The weekly schedule for Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison.
Month: March 2025
Pastors installed at parishes
On March 1, Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison installed Fr. Carlos Reinoso, SJS, as the pastor of Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Parish, located on the western edge of the diocese.
Let us glorify Him
The Gospel for the Second Sunday of Lent is always the Transfiguration scene when Peter, James, and John momentarily glimpse the glory of the risen Christ.
Bishop greets 270 intent on joining the Church
On the warm and sunny afternoon of March 2, catechumens, candidates, sponsors, and families from across the Diocese of Madison traveled to Waunakee.
March 1: A day of prayer and fasting
As the Wisconsin Supreme Court considers its decision on a case that would determine the legality of abortion in the state, the faithful were invited to make March 1 a day of prayer, fasting, and vigil for the unborn.
The powerful impact of one little word
This Lent, I’m determined to do the difficult work of discerning God’s will for me on a daily basis, prefacing my petitionary prayers by professing my faith, and remembering that actions speak louder than words (or wants or wishes), even if it means the occasional slap in the face to get my attention!
Seamos testigos de la esperanza y seamos transformados
Seamos testigos de la esperanza y seamos transformados
Witnesses to Hope: Be transformed
As we continue our Lenten journey into the Second Sunday of Lent, our readings for Mass highlight the presence of God in our lives and remind us of the glory to come.
Joy through penance
By the time you get this issue of the paper, we’ll be at least a week into Lent. When you’ll actually be reading it is another matter, but here we are.
Bishop Donald J. Hying Schedule
The weekly schedule for Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison.