My husband and I always agree on when the Christmas decorations should be taken down, but this year we disagreed on what should be taken down.
Month: February 2025
Creciendo en amistad y amor
Tanto nuestra naturaleza humana como espiritual ha sido creada para compartir en amor y amistad con Dios y con todos a nuestro alrededor.
Rediscovering the value of life
Recently making the rounds of viral media was an article about an asteroid that has a “chance” of hitting the Earth by December 22, 2032.
Appointments 2-1-2025
Very Rev. Tait Schroeder, Vicar General, announces the following priest appointments, effective Saturday, February 1, 2025.
Students enjoy ‘Bingo with the Bishop’
Students at St. Luke School in Plain kicked off Catholic Schools Week with ‘Bingo with the Bishop.’ The afternoon began with Bishop Donald J. Hying celebrating Mass at 12:30 p.m. During his homily, Bishop Hying spoke about the beauty of St. Luke’s church, which was built by the ancestors of some of the school students.
Hope and help for the spiritual battle
Even a cursory read of the Gospels illuminates the struggle between Jesus Christ and Satan from the very beginning of the Lord’s advent into human history. Even as a newborn child, Jesus is perceived as a threat by King Herod who seeks to destroy Him. Immediately after His Baptism, Jesus experiences the temptations of the devil in the wilderness.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter celebrates married couple
In December, Worldwide Marriage Encounter (WWME), an international Catholic marriage enrichment organization, honored the marriage of Jerome and Mary Gorski during its regional Christmas party at Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Church in Sun Prairie, part of Epiphany of the Lord Parish.
‘Influencing culture’ at UW-Madison
After spending more than a decade in Catholic religious education, parish work, and pastoral ministry, Susan Swanke has brought her expertise to the UW-Madison campus.
Bishop Donald J. Hying Schedule
The weekly schedule for Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison.
Gratitude, sacrifice are the ‘stitches’ needed to sanctify our lives
When we remember what Our Lord has given us, what He has done for us, and what it will be like when we hopefully join Him in Heaven one day, we can lovingly sanctify every action we make.