Sister Joselda Kuhle, who lived her religious vocation in education and pastoral ministry, died at Sacred Heart in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on March 5, 2025. Sister Joselda was 90 years old.
Year: 2025
Bishop Donald J. Hying Schedule
The weekly schedule for Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison.
Pastor installed at new parish on Madison’s east side
Fr. Gary Krahenbuhl called it an “opportunity and [a] privilege to unite together two distinct, holy, and stable parishes [and] to create something new — the parish of Queen of Apostles.”
Youth provide hope for the Church
Every month in this Jubilee Year dedicated to hope, I am writing one column on a particular ministry in the diocese which offers hope to others.
Retreat for grieving parents on May 31
Losing a child is one of the most tragic and difficult challenges of life. As a mother or father, there is no heartache more painful or excruciating to experience; no burden heavier to carry.
Your guide to our local fish fries
From convenient drive-thrus to restaurant-quality dining, our diocese is home to a wide variety of parish fish fries.
Testigos de la Esperanza: Reconcíliate
Mientras continuamos nuestro camino cuaresmal hacia el Cuarto Domingo de Cuaresma, las lecturas de la Misa ofrecen lecciones sobre la misericordia y el amor de Dios, que nos llaman a reconciliarnos con Él y entre nosotros.
Witnesses to Hope: Be reconciled
As we continue our Lenten journey into the Fourth Sunday of Lent, our readings for Mass offer lessons about God’s mercy and love which call us to reconcile with Him and with one another.
Learn about silence from silents
Ask me about what film won “Best Picture” this year or what is currently playing at the movie house and I couldn’t give you answers to either.
Bishop Donald J. Hying Schedule
The weekly schedule for Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison.