El último de los cuatro hábitos de santidad que el Obispo Donald J. Hying de Madison ha animado a los fieles a practicar como parte de la iniciativa de evangelización Vayan y Hagan Discípulos es acoger alguna forma de penitencia los viernes como un acto de acción de gracias por la muerte salvífica de Cristo.
Year: 2024
Bishop Donald J. Hying Schedule
The weekly schedule for Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison.
Bishop Donald J. Hying Schedule
The weekly schedule for Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison.
Devotion to His Sacred Heart
The feast day of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque is celebrated on October 16. On December 27, 1673, after another day of prayer and work was finished in the convent, St. Margaret Mary was praying alone in the chapel when the Sacred Heart appeared to her. Jesus’ body was filled with light and His Heart was on fire, bleeding and crowned with thorns.
Catholic Charities hosts Beacon and Eggs
At The Tinsmith, an event venue near Breese Stevens Field on the isthmus, Catholic Charities Diocese of Madison held its annual fundraiser on October 10 to benefit The Beacon, its homeless day center in Madison.
Beauty takes form at future cathedral
Inside St. Bernard of Clairvaux Church in Madison, work steadily progresses on the church’s plaster, stained glass, and statues, which will beautify the future diocesan cathedral.
The John J. Karsten Fund — helping students with disabilities
I recently interviewed Marge Karsten, founder of the John J. Karsten Endowment Fund. Marge started this fund in memory of her son John, who attended school in the Platteville area, and had Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Nuestro Padre Misericordioso
No importa cuán “reluciente” luzca alguien por fuera, todos estamos quebrantados y heridos por dentro.
Dios anhela la transformación de nuestros corazones, no de nuestras apariencias externas (1 Samuel 16:7).
Penance on Fridays as an act of thanksgiving
The last of the four holy habits that Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison has encouraged the faithful to practice as part of the Go Make Disciples evangelization initiative is to embrace some form of penance on Fridays as an act of thanksgiving for the saving death of Christ.
Election Day is coming; do the best you can
I can understand why a lot of people don’t like to vote or don’t want to vote. By the way, did you know there is an Election Day coming soon on November 5?
One of the most unappealing aspects of voting is not really liking or wanting “either” candidate.