The voices of Saint Paul’s are coming onto the podcasting scene. Saint Paul’s On The Go is the official podcast of Saint Paul’s Catholic Student Center in Madison.
Year: 2024
Clergy appointments 12-12-2024
Very Rev. Tait Schroeder, Vicar General, announces the following clergy appointments, effective Thursday, December 12, 2024, and announced on Saturday and Sunday, December 14 and 15, 2024, based on the merger of Good Shepherd Parish, Madison, and St. Raphael Parish, Madison, to become Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, Madison, as decreed by Most Rev. Donald Hying, Bishop of Madison:
Bishop Donald J. Hying Schedule
The weekly schedule for Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison.
Jubilee Year in 2025
The universal Catholic Church is looking toward the Jubilee Year 2025 — the 2,025th anniversary of the Incarnation of our Lord.
Continuing the walk with prayer
If you practice the Catholic faith and have a loving and living relationship with Jesus, various people in your life have prayed for you to be where you spiritually are.
Realtor’s Catholicism shows in work
“I’m a Catholic wife, Catholic mother, Catholic realtor,” said Laura Breunig, when she sat down with the Catholic Herald for an interview on how she brings her faith and work together.
Offering up silent sacrifices this Advent
Whatever the silent sacrifices look like for you this Advent, know that they are ways Our Lord is asking you to grow closer to Him.
A visit from St. Nicholas*, revisited
Dear Readers, in case some of you are fact-checking, I will confess that for the first time ever I’ve succumbed to the use of hyperbole here and there in this column, but only because I wanted to make sure my message was clear — we must all avoid the perils of pursuing perfectionism lest we trade Spirit for spirit.
Caminando con alguien durante el Adviento — Tercer Paso: Conectar
Hemos llegado a la mitad de nuestra jornada de Adviento y celebraremos el Domingo “Gaudete”. ¡Nos regocijamos porque el Señor está realmente cerca!
Walking with One during Advent —Step three: Connect
We have reached the halfway mark of our Advent Journey and celebrate “Gaudete” Sunday. We rejoice that the Lord is indeed near!