“I had this burning in my gut,” said Brianna Krejchik after she watched news outlets and social media document the devastation Hurricane Helene inflicted across the southeastern United States in late September.
Month: December 2024
The meaning of Christmas
Both in its theological depth and poetic prose, Preface I of Advent expresses beautifully the meaning of Christmas.
A New Year’s resolution to change the world through spiritual multiplication
As we begin this Jubilee Year, we proclaim that Jesus is indeed our hope as we commemorate the 2,025th anniversary of the Incarnation of Our Lord.
Bishop Donald J. Hying Schedule
The weekly schedule for Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison.
¿Qué nos enseña la Navidad?
La Navidad es una de las fiestas más importantes de la Iglesia porque en ella celebramos que el Hijo de Dios se hizo hombre para abrirnos las puertas del Cielo, para enseñarnos el camino para la vida eterna.
Pastoral letter for the Jubilee Year 2025
On Sunday, December 29, 2024, the Feast of the Holy Family, in union with the Holy Father, the bishops and the entire universal Church, we enter into the Jubilee Year of 2025!
New parish merger announced
The Diocese of Madison has announced the merger of a new parish — Our Lady of Guadalupe — as of December 12.
Advent, Christmas, and the journey
As the wonder of Christmas fast approaches, the Fourth Sunday of Advent presents us with the Gospel scene of the Visitation — Mary immediately making haste to share the joyful news of the Incarnation of God in her womb with her beloved cousin Elizabeth who herself is pregnant with John the Baptist.
Bishop Donald J. Hying Schedule
The weekly schedule for Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison.
Caminando con alguien durante el Adviento — Cuarto Paso: Invitar
Al llegar al final de nuestra jornada de Adviento, las lecturas de esta semana ofrecen temas que nos ayudan a comprender el espíritu de la época y nos guían en nuestra preparación para la Navidad.