Read the Bishop’s Q&A about the cathedral project.
Day: April 10, 2024
From the ground up: Concrete floor poured at cathedral
Over the course of the morning and into the early afternoon, 22 concrete trucks came and went from the soon-to-be cathedral. By the evening of March 22, the construction team had efficiently poured nearly 200 cubic yards of concrete.
New homes, re-energized Catholic faith
The concurrence of these two significant projects led me to wonder how many dioceses are currently building a new cathedral and a new contemplative monastery at the same time.
Called and Gifted workshop on April 27
The Diocese of Madison will offer a Called and Gifted workshop on Saturday, April 27, in the church hall of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, located in the school building, 4913 Schofield St., Monona.
Artist restores Church beauty
Peter Auger, a local artist in Jefferson, is helping make diocesan churches more beautiful.
The older we get the more childlike we become
Growing older is inevitable for each of us, and facing our unavoidable mortality is just part of being human. Interestingly, the older we get the more childlike we become, in our physical and mental limitations, which can help us toward the goal of attaining humility in our spiritual lives.
The Personal Leap Year
If my trek down this spiritual road can lift the heart of even one person, I’m willing to share. To be sure, I’ll deepen my own faith in the process.
La primavera de nuestro corazón
¡El Señor ha resucitado . . . Aleluya! Aunque llevamos dos semanas desde que celebramos la Pascua de Resurrección, la iglesia continúa celebrando el tiempo pascual, ya que es uno que dura 50 días en su totalidad. ¡Qué maravilloso! Por cincuenta días la Iglesia, ya salida del desierto de la cuaresma se regocija en la resurrección, gloria y vida de Cristo.
The importance of the martyrs
In his audience on April 19, 2023, Pope Francis continued his series on “The Passion for Evangelization,” focusing on witnesses. However, he directs this audience not to a particular individual, but to the host of martyrs.
The agony (or blessing?) of defeat
We can all “run to win,” but we all can’t win. There has to be a place in this world for the “losers”.