Memorial Day is a federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May. For some, Memorial Day means the beginning of summer. For others, it is a day off to go shopping.
Day: May 24, 2023
Bishop Hying ordains two transitional deacons
May 12 saw two transitional deacons ordained for the Diocese of Madison.
Catholic burial problems, old and new
In March 2023, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Committee on Doctrine responded to a question that has been popping up here and there about two new ways of treating human remains.
Priests meet, discuss Into the Deep
“The priesthood is the love of the Heart of Jesus.” This saying of St. John Vianney speaks about how our Lord shows his love through the life and ministry of priests.
New employee in schools office, Michelle Larson to retire
Michelle Larson, longtime staff member of the Diocese of Madison Office of Catholic Schools (OCS), is retiring at the end of this month.
What’s happening in the diocese
This past Saturday, we concluded the third and final piece of our Go Make Disciples Live, the diocesan collaboration with The Evangelical Catholic to provide some practical formation for the lay faithful of our parishes to engage and evangelize others with greater competence and confidence.
El Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial ofrece un retiro para matrimonios hispanos en laDiócesis de Madison
El pasado 6 y 7 de mayo de 2023, el Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial (EMM) ofreció una experiencia para matrimonios hispanos en la Diócesis de Madison después de ser invitados a la diócesis por la Oficina de Ministerio Hispano. Esta experiencia tipo retiro matrimonial se llevó a cabo en St. Joseph en Waterloo con doce matrimonios de nuestra diócesis. La misión del EMM es proclamar el valor del sacramento del matrimonio y del orden sagrado en la iglesia y en el mundo.
Women invited to learn more about the Eucharist at MDCCW convention
Linda Ripp, president of the Madison Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (MDCCW), invites women of the diocese to gather Tuesday, June 27, at St. Clement Church and hall, 135 S. Washington St., Lancaster, for its 68th convention to pray, socialize, and learn how other parishes are celebrating the Eucharist, charitable works, service, and prayerful celebrations.