February 2, the Feast of the Presentation, is also the World Day for Consecrated Life.
Day: March 1, 2023
Camino film with Bishop Hying to be shown in theaters in diocese in March 28
The film Santiago: The Camino Within will be shown in select theaters on Tuesday, March 28.
‘Show and Tell’ days and book fair at St. Maria Goretti School, Madison
You have a chance to see St Maria Goretti (SMG) School in Madison and its mission of discipleship through knowledge, service, prayer, and community.
Preparing for the Kingdom
As we well know, two criminals were crucified on either side of Jesus, as narrated in Luke 23: 37-43.
Ask for the grace to root out vices during Lent
“Everybody, get in the car! We’re leaving for Mass in three minutes!”
‘To know, love, and serve God’ . . . but, what is ‘love’?
More than once in your lives, you’ve probably asked “Who am I?” or “Why am I here?”
Serie Cuaresmal: Un encuentro con Jesús
Imagínate encontrarte a solas en un bosque, escuchando en la distancia el sonido del agua que corre en un río que termina en una gran y fuerte cascada.