As Jesus was teaching us how to pray, He was also teaching us to “forgive those who trespass against us.”
Day: February 15, 2023
The blessing of being co-creators with God
The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers is the Catholic Social Teaching (CST) principle I am focusing on this month.
Catholic Schools Week celebrated in diocese
Catholic Schools Week (CSW) was such a special week for St. Joseph School (SJS) in Fort Atkinson.
A Lenten family screen detox
You are a wonderful parent. You have done great things with your child. You are doing your best. Now that I’ve drawn you in, I can say this:
Evansville, Footville parishes welcome Awaken Mission Team
The parishes of St. Paul in Evansville and St. Augustine in Footville are excited to invite speaker and musician Nick De La Torre and his wife Alina to our parish for our Lenten mission.
St. Aloysius School teacher receives Distinguished Graduate Award
St. Aloysius School in Sauk City held its traditional Chili Cookoff on January 30 in conjunction with Catholic Schools Week.
Preparing for Lent: Finding growth and God’s will
Every Christian should visit the Holy Land at least once. Called the “Fifth Gospel,” Israel’s holy sites make the Scriptures come alive, reminding us that the story of our salvation, culminating in Christ, is not a myth or a beautiful idea, but actual events in specific places at particular historical moments.
Se aproxima el Miércoles de Ceniza y la Cuaresma
Este año comenzamos el Tiempo de Cuaresma el 22 de febrero con la Misa de Miércoles de Ceniza, el día cuando durante la Misa nuestras frentes son marcadas con ceniza y el sacerdote, diácono, o ministro nos recuerda que “eres polvo y al polvo volverás,” o dirá las palabras usadas menos frecuentes “arrepiéntete y cree en el Evangelio”.