At age 70, I felt it was time to retire. I moved to Madison for a few years where I helped out at different parishes.
Day: January 18, 2023
Season celebrated with lessons and carols
December 18 saw the Madison Diocesan Choir Advent Lessons and Carols back for the first time in three years.
Serving the poor is serving the Lord
Our Catholic Social Teaching principle “Option for the Poor and Vulnerable” references this Gospel passage. The principle states, “A basic moral test is how our most vulnerable members are faring. In a society marred by deepening divisions between rich and poor, our tradition recalls the story of the Last Judgment (Mt 25:31-46) and instructs us to put the needs of the poor and vulnerable first.”
Totus Tuus: Discipling our children in the summer
Every summer in the Diocese of Madison, seven parishes host a week-long Catholic summer program called Totus Tuus, dedicated to sharing the Gospel through witness, catechesis, prayer, and the sacraments.
The interrupted lives of the snowmen
Dear readers, I always enjoy the first snowfall of the season when I take my morning coffee into the living room, pull back the curtains, swivel the easy chair to face the picture window, and settle in to wait for the morning recess bell.
St. Vincent de Paul helps Ghana man and his family
Divine Sedzuro, a native of Ghana, has pursued a better education his entire life.
Resolutions for 2023
The beginning of a new year invites us to ponder the brevity of life, the gifts of time and opportunity we enjoy, the need for improvement in aspects of our character and behavior, and the importance of prioritizing the right things.
¡Haz del Congreso tu Retiro Eucarístico!
¡Cada día, Cristo nos llama a la conversión! Pero, enterrados en nuestras actividades diarias, a menudo no le respondemos. ¡Hagamos algo al respecto! Marquen su calendario y vengan al Congreso Eucarístico de Madison del 29 de septiembre al 1 de octubre de 2023 para celebrar nuestro amor a Jesús en la Eucaristía. Será un fin de semana de fiesta, confraternidad, música, charlas, oración, adoración y actividad alegre. Al mismo tiempo, será un retiro donde el Espíritu Santo obrará en nuestra conversión . . . otra vez.
Our Lady of Guadalupe festival marks deep devotion and love for Mary
Good Shepherd Parish in Madison recently hosted its annual two-day festival for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.