Each year, around the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, Blessed Sacrament Parish in Madison hosts a dinner and lecture on a topic of spiritual interest. This year’s event is Thursday, January 26, at Blessed Sacrament Friary. Ed Futa will be speaking on his work with Rotary International and his own amazing conversion story.
All Catholics throughout the Diocese of Madison are welcome to this evening of fellowship and learning. The best way to enter is through the handicapped-accessible entrance at 2115 Rowley Ave. (look for a sign with the blue handicapped-accessible symbol on the sidewalk). Once inside, take the stairs all the way down, or the elevator to the school basement (SB).
Gathering in the friary begins at 6 pm and includes snacks and drinks. Dinner begins at 6:30. The talk will begin at approximately 7:30.
Tickets are $35 per person.
Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdM1LIkwbdohR6FkEXmvb-GmLKQoNT2eiWlT08CZomnuFe_wQ/viewform or contact the parish pffice to RSVP at (608) 238-3471.