Hace unos veinticinco años san Juan Pablo II escribió que el Evangelio de la vida es el centro del mensaje salvífico de Jesús al mundo (Evangelium Vitae 1).
Year: 2022
What is the Xavier Mission Team?
Madison, there have been high school nights, middle school hype nights, school retreats, and Confirmation retreats all hosted by the Xavier Mission Team. This begs the question, “What is the Xavier Mission Team?”
Looking back at the Second Vatican Council
Angelo Cardinal Roncalli, the Patriarch of Venice, was elected pope on October 28, 1958, after the long reign of Pius XII, taking the name John XXIII.
Annual Catholic Appeal — Your gift in action: Youth formation
MADISON — Our middle and high school students are at a critical age in which formation is key.
Edgewood College adjusts start of spring semester
MADISON — Edgewood College has updated the start of the Spring 2022 semester for in-person undergraduate courses to Monday, Jan. 24.
‘Things ain’t what they used to be’
Every year, there’s an immediate action we have to take to drag ourselves into the future and changing times — writing or otherwise using the new year in daily life.