• Edgewood High School celebrated Catholic Schools Week
Year: 2022
St. Augustine launches campaign for new chapel, student center
PLATTEVILLE — St. Augustine University Parish and Pioneer Catholic Newman Center reached a significant fundraising milestone in its historic capital campaign to build a new chapel and student center for the students of UW-Platteville (UWP).
Diocese of Madison considers creating online school
MADISON — In March of 2020, like many schools in the nation faced with COVID lockdowns, the Diocese of Madison quickly pivoted to virtual instruction to meet students’ needs.
Servant leadership at Blessed Sacrament School
MADISON — Blessed Sacrament School in Madison nurtures servant leadership beginning in three-year-old kindergarten all the way through eighth grade.
A look at Vatican II’s Sacrosanctum Concilium
Sacrosanctum Concilium, The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, promulgated on December 4, 1963, is the first document issued by the Council fathers of Vatican II.
Vayan y Hagan Discípulos: Nuestro Llamado Bautismal
Los fieles laicos, precisamente por ser miembros de la Iglesia, tienen la vocación y misión de ser anunciadores del Evangelio: son habilitados y comprometidos en esta tarea por los sacramentos de la iniciación cristiana y por los dones del Espíritu Santo. “Leamos en un texto límpido y denso de significado del Concilio Vaticano II: ‘Como partícipes del oficio de Cristo sacerdote, profeta y rey, los laicos tienen su parte activa en la vida y en la acción de la Iglesia (. . .). Alimentados por la activa participación en la vida litúrgica de la propia comunidad, participan con diligencia en las obras apostólicas de la misma; conducen a la Iglesia a los hombres que quizás viven alejados de Ella; cooperan con empeño en comunicar la palabra de Dios, especialmente mediante la enseñanza del catecismo; poniendo a disposición su competencia, hacen más eficaz la cura de almas y también la administración de los bienes de la Iglesia. Es en la evangelización donde se concentra y se despliega la entera misión de la Iglesia, cuyo caminar en la historia avanza movido por la gracia y el mandato de Jesucristo: ‘Id por todo el mundo y proclamad la Buena Nueva a toda la creación’ (Mc 16, 15); ‘Y sabed que yo estoy con vosotros todos los días hasta el fin del mundo’ (Mt 28, 20). ‘Evangelizar’ — ha escrito Pablo VI — ‘es la gracia y la vocación propia de la Iglesia, su identidad más profunda . . .’” – Papa San Juan Pablo II, Christifideles laici, no. 33
Sr. LaDonna Jeno, OP, has died
SINSINAWA — Sister LaDonna Jeno, OP, died Jan. 28, 2022, at St. Dominic Villa, Hazel Green, Wis. Her religious name was Sister Albertino. The funeral Mass was held at the Dominican motherhouse, Sinsinawa, Feb. 3, followed by burial in the Motherhouse Cemetery.
Sr. Loretta Zemaitis, OP, has died
SINSINAWA — Sr. Loretta Zemaitis, OP, died Jan. 26, 2022, at St. Dominic Villa, Hazel Green, Wis. Her religious name was Sister Mary Nathan. Natural burial took place Jan. 28 in the Motherhouse Cemetery, Sinsinawa, Wis. The funeral Mass was held at the motherhouse, Sinsinawa, Feb. 1.
Walking with Moms in Need to host virtual training sessions
MADISON — The Diocese of Madison’s Walking with Moms in Need (WWMIN) core team will host three virtual training sessions on Wednesday, Feb. 23, from 7 to 8:30 p.m.; Sunday, March 6, from 4:30 to 6 p.m.; and Thursday, March 24, from 9:30 to 11 a.m.
‘Taco Sunday’ at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish in Beloit
BELOIT — Sharing their time and talent in appreciation for the Catholic education their children are receiving at Our Lady of the Assumption (OLA) School, 10 Hispanic families work together each month to offer “Taco Sunday.”