The annual outdoor Mass at the St. James, Vermont, site will be held on Sunday, Aug. 7, at 1 p.m. The Mass will be held at the St. James cemetery site, located three miles north of Blue Mounds on Hwy. F. There will be a potluck lunch after the Mass at Brigham County Park, 3160 Cty. Hwy. F, Blue Mounds. In case of rain, the Mass and potluck will be held at Immaculate Conception Church, 100 Church St., Barneveld.
Day: July 22, 2022
Disciplinary Action Taken by the Bishop of Madison Regarding a Diocese of Madison Priest
The Bishop of Madison has taken current disciplinary action regarding a Diocese of Madison priest, Fr. Richard Heilman, who has engaged in online social media and other activity involving statements bearing inordinately on controversies stemming from the electoral political realm. The details of priest personnel matters, including any specific disciplinary actions taken in this case, generally remain confidential and involve the duty to protect the good reputation of the involved parties.