It is the fulfillment of the ritual sacrificial meal that the Israelites were asked to celebrate annually, in order to recall (“in memory of me”) the night that the Lord acted in a powerful way to set them free from Egyptian enslavement (Exodus 12).
Month: March 2022
Still time to be part of Walking With Moms in Need
For the past year, a core group of local volunteers has been working toward launching the Walking with Moms in Need (WWMIN) program in the Diocese of Madison.
Pray-A-Thon invites all to prayer
Starting Wednesday, March 30, and running through Friday, April 1, St. John Vianney Parish in Janesville is hosting the St. John Pray-A-Thon.
Serie Cuaresmal: La Limosna
“Recuerden las palabras del Señor Jesús: ‘Hay mayor felicidad en dar que en recibir’” afirma San Pablo en el Libro de los Hechos de los Apóstoles (He 20, 35). La Limosna (del griego eleimosýni que significa “misericordia”), es uno de los tres pilares de la práctica cuaresmal. Definida en nuestro Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica como “un testimonio de caridad fraterna” y “una obra de justicia agradable a Dios” (CIC # 2462), nuestra Madre Iglesia nos solicita, a través de este pilar (La Limosna), que durante los cuarenta días de cada Cuaresma tornemos nuestras miradas hacia el vulnerable, el desamparado, el necesitado para que en un noble gesto de renuncia personal a los bienes materiales que poseemos, tengamos la sabiduría y el amor de compartirlos desprendidamente con ellos.
Along with giving up Kevin-style luxuries such as drinking cola-flavored sparkling water and playing games on my smartphone, I made a couple of other Lenten goals.
Praying for Mary’s intercession
This Friday, March 25, the Solemnity of the Annunciation, Pope Francis will consecrate both Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary; he has asked all of the bishops in the entire world to do so in tandem with him, ideally at the same hour.
40 Days for Life National Campaign Director Steve Karlen to speak at mid-point prayer vigil
For the midpoint of this Lenten 40 Days for Life campaign, there will be a special vigil on Thursday, March 24, at 5:30 p.m. in front of Planned Parenthood (3706 Orin Rd., Madison) with 40 Days for Life National Director Steve Karlen.
Pope, bishops to consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Pope Francis has asked bishops around the world to join him on Friday, March 25, in consecrating Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, something bishops in every part of the globe had started announcing the minute they heard what the pope had planned.
Providing Mental Health First Aid training to parishes
On March 19 and 26, Mental Health First Aid training will take place at St. William Parish in Janesville.
Pro-Life Summit in Madison on April 2
The Supreme Court of the United States has taken up a late-term abortion case in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health and will render judgment in the near future.