Sr. Monice Kavanaugh, OP, died March 16, 2022, at St. Dominic Villa, Hazel Green, Wis. Natural burial took place March 18 in the Motherhouse Cemetery, Sinsinawa, Wis. The funeral Mass was held at the motherhouse, Sinsinawa, March 23.
Day: March 30, 2022
Family of faith presents ‘Blanket of Prayer’
A family of faith supports each member in prayer and works of mercy, especially when one of them is suffering.
The return of St. Paul’s Spring Wine Fest
St. Paul’s Catholic Student Center, located near the UW-Madison campus, will be hosting its 11th annual Spring Wine Fest on Friday, April 22.
Begin again
The Fourth Week of Lent can seem like the 13th mile of a marathon. Will I ever reach the finish line? How much longer until Easter?
The Roaring-er Twenties?
The last time we had a decade known as the “20s” or the “Twenties,” it didn’t end so well. A.D. 1929 saw a coping with the Wall St. crash, the oncoming Great Depression, and some OGs in Chicago saw to it that the word “massacre” could always go together with “St. Valentine’s Day”.
Serie Cuaresmal: El Examen de Consciencia
“Una vida sin examen no merece la pena ser vivida” es una frase atribuida al filósofo griego Sócrates descrito en la obra Apología de Sócrates escrita en el año 399 a. C. por su discípulo Platón. Platón transcribió en la Apología de Sócrates los diálogos que Sócrates sostuvo ante el tribunal de Atenas en la cual fue sentenciado a muerte por liberar a los jóvenes atenienses de la ignorancia con sus enseñanzas. “Una vida sin examen no merece la pena ser vivida” es la conclusión que Sócrates usa para justificar sus métodos de enseñanza que apelan por sobre todo a la importancia de examinarse a sí mismo y a los demás para mantener una actitud crítica sobre nuestros actos y sobre nuestras vidas con el fin último de evolucionar para ser la mejor persona que podemos ser.
Parish mission in Montello
St. John the Baptist Parish in Montello and Good Shepherd Parish in Westfield are hosting a Lenten mission nightly from Monday, April 4, to Wednesday, April 6.
Looking ahead to the diocese’s future
Currently, every vicariate in the diocese is meeting with me to give an update on the Go Make Disciples initiative in the parishes.