El mes pasado en la edición del 14 de octubre de 2021 presentamos brevemente la iniciativa de evangelización del Obispo Hying, “Vayan y Hagan Discípulos,” la cual se basa en que cada parroquia de la Diócesis de Madison cree un plan de evangelización en el cual sus feligreses y otros en la comunidad puedan crecer en santidad y ser formados en cómo evangelizar y ser discípulos misioneros.
Month: November 2021
Sr. Ruth Poochigian, OP, has died
SINSINAWA — Sister Ruth Poochigian, OP, died Oct. 22, 2021, at St. Elizabeth Manor, Footville, Wis. Natural burial took place Oct. 25 in the Motherhouse Cemetery, Sinsinawa, Wis. The funeral Mass was held at the motherhouse, Sinsinawa Oct. 27.
‘A Catholic Response to Gender Ideology’ lecture on November 16
MADISON — The St. Thérèse Lecture Series returns with a talk about gender ideology and the Catholic faith.
Honoring saints and souls
On October 27, a Mass was offered to celebrate the life of an SJB graduate who lost her battle against leukemia in 2019.
2021 Annual Catholic Appeal wrap-up: ‘The Kingdom of God is at Hand’
It is hard to believe that the Advent season is almost upon us. During this time of year, it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season, but it is also important to remember its true meaning.
Bishop Hying keeps busy visiting parishes, schools, and sites throughout the diocese
Thirty-eighth in a series on the 75th anniversary of the Diocese of Madison.
Bishop Donald J. Hying started out his time as shepherd of the Diocese of Madison energetically with visits to parishes, diocesan schools, …
Those wasted years
There are many days when I have wished time to go faster. There are many days when I’ve wanted them to be over and to be able to move on to the next one.
Solemnidad de todos los Santos y Día de los Fieles Difuntos
Este pasado lunes, 1 de noviembre celebramos en la Iglesia Católica la Solemnidad de todos los Santos, celebración universal de nuestra Iglesia en la cual recordamos a todos aquellos que han partido al Reino en perfecta santidad. Debemos recalcar que esta solemnidad es diferente al Día de los Fieles Difuntos, el cual se celebra el 2 de noviembre; día también conocido como el Día de los Muertos, en el cual oramos y recordamos a nuestros hermanos y hermanas fallecidos que descansan en la paz del Señor.
Growing in mental health ministry
MADISON — On October 23, more than 30 people, including members of both the laity and clergy, from four dioceses spent much of the day learning about and discussing how to develop mental health ministry programs at their parishes.
Donations sought for Patrick Gorman Music Memorial
MADISON — In memory of Dr. Patrick Gorman, the Madison Diocesan Choir is raising funds for musical works in honor of its distinguished, much-loved director who died on September 28 at the age of 58 after nearly 30 years of service to the diocese not only as choir director but also director of Diocese Office of Worship.