With school taking place in the home rather than in a classroom, St. Ambrose Academy (SAA), like schools everywhere, is having to adapt.
Year: 2020
Parishes offer livestream Masses, other services
Following is information on some of the livestreaming Masses and Rosaries offered by parishes in the Diocese of Madison.
Cathedral Parish, Madison: The Cathedral Parish invites people to join them in prayer online. Each weekday, Monday through Friday, Msgr. Kevin Holmes, rector, leads the Rosary in a livestream from the rectory at 12:15 p.m. Sunday Mass at 11 a.m. is also livestreamed from the Cathedral Parish at St. Raphael Church. Visit the cathedral Facebook page to join in these moments of prayer (@CathedralParishMadison). Note people can view the public posts on the page even if they don’t have a Facebook account.
Mark 50th anniversary of Earth Day
This year we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day founded by Wisconsin’s own Senator Gaylord Nelson.
Earth Day is on April 22, but I think we can observe it throughout the month of April or all year for that matter. In this year of the coronavirus pandemic, group activities may not be appropriate now. But there are plenty of ways to mark the anniversary, especially for children and parents-turned-at-home-educators.
Earth Day and Laudato Si’
A parishioner asked his pastor, “Father, it seems that every time I read a Catholic newspaper, I read about taking care of the environment. Shouldn’t we Catholics be more concerned about taking care of the world’s bigger problems such as war, hunger, and sickness?”
The priest responded, “Haven’t you heard about Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ encyclical on ecology? It is the first encyclical in Catholic Church history to focus on ecology and care for creation. In this encyclical, Pope Francis makes a connection between care for the environment and war, hunger, and sickness.”
The resurrection invites us to leave sin and death behind
We may be tempted to think that once Jesus had risen from the dead and sent the Holy Spirit upon the early Church, the lives of the Apostles were easy; after all, they were filled with the light and joy of knowing that the Lord had conquered sin and death; they knew that He was with them in the power of the Holy Spirit and the sacraments of the Church.
Yet, a simple reading of the Acts of the Apostles reveals that they met with immediate and violent opposition when they began to proclaim the Resurrection of Christ. Those who had conspired to kill Jesus certainly did not want Him coming back from the dead. How much easier for them if He had remained cold and lifeless in the tomb.
Proclamation of resurrection seen as subversive threat
The rising of Jesus on Easter Sunday is a clear and compelling confirmation of the truth of His identity as the Son of God and the Savior of the world. If Christ were inexplicably alive again, in a new and glorious fashion, such an astonishing fact demanded faith in Him and a devout adherence to His teachings and the truths of the holy Gospel. The proclamation of the resurrection is a subversive threat which must be silenced, in the minds of those who violently opposed the teachings of the Master during his earthly life.Sr. Carmen Mulcahy, OSB, dies in Minnesota
ALBANY, Minn. — […]
Holy Week Masses celebrated online
In the Diocese of Madison, the Chrism Mass is typically celebrated on the Tuesday before Easter.
Coronavirus, crucifixion, resurrection
The coronavirus is not a punishment from God. It is not a severe chastisement dealt to a world that in so many ways sins against the Almighty — by ignoring his commandments and teachings.
Love and mercy always win
In the summer of 2016, I was blessed to go to World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland, with 80 pilgrims from the Diocese of Gary.
The highlight was Saturday evening. More than a million of us from every country on earth gathered to spend the night in an open field as an oppressive sun in a cloudless sky beat down.
After the pope’s talk, he placed an enormous monstrance on the altar for Eucharistic Adoration and we all knelt down in silent prayer for 20 minutes.You could hear a pin drop.
The evening shadows lengthened as the sun descended towards the horizon.Education in the home during COVID-19
As another week of stay-at-home learning under Wisconsin’s “Safer at Home” directive draws to a close, some families might be feeling anxious and discouraged as they grapple with a mode of education they did not freely choose.