Sr. Mary Hemeyer, OP, died Jan. 7, 2019, at St. Dominic Villa. Her religious name was Sister Muritta.
Year: 2019
Msgr. James Bartylla discusses role as diocesan administrator
MADISON — “The general rule is that a diocesan administrator can do whatever a diocesan bishop can do, but with some important limitations, and of course, a priest elected as the diocesan administrator isn’t a consecrated bishop, and therefore doesn’t possess the sacramental grace and character of the episcopacy,” said Msgr. James Bartylla in discussing his role as diocesan administrator of the Diocese of Madison.
On November 26, two days after the death of Bishop Robert C. Morlino, the College of Consultors — a body of nine diocesan priests — elected Monsignor Bartylla as diocesan administrator. He had been the vicar general for Bishop Morlino.
“Upon the death of a bishop, all vicars general and episcopal vicars lose their offices,” noted Monsignor Bartylla. “The College of Consultors assumes governance of the diocese upon the death of the bishop.”
However, all of the diocesan departments continue in full operation since the work of the diocese continues unabated through its parishes, entities, and diocesan curial offices in the multifaceted work of catechesis, evangelization, spreading the Gospel, and strengthening the faithful.
Christmas: The gift of tender particularity
Following is the homily at the Cathedral Parish of St. Raphael in Madison given at Christmas Midnight Mass by Msgr. James Bartylla, diocesan administrator.
There is often an accusation made against Christianity that is called the “Scandal of Particularity”. In its essence, it emphasizes the difficulty of believing a single man (Jesus) could be the Savior of all mankind and the only way to the Father.
It argues that it is “unreasonable” or “fanciful” to believe in this salvific universality of Jesus Christ. After all, he was born in Bethlehem, during a census by Caesar Augustus, under the governorship of Quirinius, and raised in Nazareth? How could the Savior of the whole world, including Rome, Greece, Persia, and Africa, and for all time, be from little Bethlehem?
Free resources for individuals and families on Safe Haven Sunday
MADISON — Pornography is not a topic most adults are comfortable speaking about. This is especially the case when it comes to parents addressing it with their children.
Regrettably, it’s the topic that’s becoming more and more necessary to address in our digital age. Too many parents, grandparents, and guardians think that internet-based pornography is beyond the interest of their children. We need to be informed on this matter. Statistics tell us another story.
Good politics is at the service of peace, says pope
As the saying goes, “Politics and religion don’t mix.” Although this cliché is espoused by many, you will not hear it from Pope Francis.
On the contrary, the leader of the Catholic Church firmly teaches that our Gospel-based faith has a wealth of wisdom to offer the often corrupt world of politics. And that it is our duty to strive to infuse that wisdom into the body politic.
March & Love for Life January 22 in Madison
MADISON — Pro-life advocates from throughout Wisconsin will march on the Wisconsin State Capitol in support of life on Tuesday, Jan. 22.
The March & Love for Life begins at 11:30 a.m. at the State St. entrance to the Capitol building.
Marchers are asked to bring a package of diapers for donation to children in need.
After the march and diaper collection, participants will urge legislators to promote measures that preserve and protect life.
Importance of hospitality, community especially today
Just before the New Year, our house looked similar to many other homes.
Christmas lights decorated the tree in our living room. Children were busy with new toys and games. Cookies and other goodies often made their way into little searching hands and mouths.
Mulling over Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris
Over the Christmas break, I spent a fair amount of time binge-watching Jordan Peterson videos. For those not in the know, Peterson is not the latest hip-hop sensation. He is a psychology professor from Toronto who has made a rather substantial splash as a culture-commentator and public intellectual, largely through appearances on social media.
Men’s Retreat at Durward’s Glen
BARABOO — On Saturday, Feb. 9, all men are invited to the 13th Annual Men’s Retreat hosted by St. Joseph Parish and titled, “Through the Flames”.
Fr. John Sasse will be the featured speaker. The retreat will be held at Durward’s Glen.
Activities during the day include morning Mass, small group discussion, Rosary, Confession, and Adoration.Immigrants have positive effect on U.S. economy
Contrary to some of the anti-immigrant rhetoric we’ve been hearing these days, immigrants actually have a positive effect on the U.S. economy and society.
I checked a number of studies about the effects of immigration, and nearly all of them gave statistics showing that immigration is good for our country.