On Saturday morning, Oct. 19, Bishop Donald J. Hying consecrated a new addition at Janesville’s Mount Olivet Cemetery, one of four diocesan cemeteries.
Day: October 24, 2019
For the long run
On October 26, I will be making a very long run through the Arizona desert. The Javelina Jundred (pronounced “havelina hundred”) is an intense 100-mile race that takes place each October.
What makes this race a “race” is not that one runner competes against a group of other runners. Instead, each runner competes against the clock and with their ability to withstand physical and emotional pain. All participants are given 30 hours to complete the course, so at its core, this race is about finishing not winning.
Training for the race, support of family and friends
For the past year, I have been training for this race. I have worked one-on-one with a trainer. I have run five progressively more challenging races, tracked my food intake, and completed more night-time runs then I can count. I have every detail worked out, from what I will wear as I run through the desert at night to how much food I will consume at each aid station.
Diocesan Pastoral Council holds first meeting with Bishop Hying
The Diocesan Pastoral Council (DPC) held its first meeting with Bishop Donald J. Hying on October 12 at Holy Name Heights. The meeting was preceded by a Mass celebrated by Bishop Hying, at which he thanked members for their involvement in the DPC.
The voices of thousands of skeptics on Reddit
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This article is the first in a two-part series.
I just finished my second dive into the Reddit AMA world. One of the most popular websites in the world, Reddit is a forum for all sorts of online conversations and presentations.
The AMA (Ask Me Anything) is a 21st century version of the medieval quodlibetal questions, during which a game theology professor would entertain any inquiry that came from the floor.
Now, things are a bit cruder and more rough and ready on Reddit than they were in the universities of the Middle Ages, but you get the idea.
Reflections on ‘Dominus Iesus’
The primary aim of the Amazon Synod that is happening right now in Rome is, in the words of Pope Francis, to “identify new ways for the evangelization of that portion of the people of God, and especially the indigenous peoples.”1
This question of how to evangelize is very important, not only for the Amazon Region, but for the whole Church. How do we bring Jesus Christ to those who have never heard of him? And more specifically, how are we called to treat other cultures and other religions with the respect they deserve yet without compromising the saving truth of the Gospel?
The month that reminds us we are called to holiness
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During November, we celebrate the feasts of All Saints, All Souls, and Christ the King.
At the end of November, we also begin Advent, when we prayerfully, patiently await Christ’s birth.
All Saints’ Day
All Saints’ Day is a holy day which we celebrate on November 1. We honor those who have been canonized and whom the Church declares are in Heaven.
To be recognized as a canonized saint, the Church first makes a lengthy examination of the candidate to determine if he or she is a person of heroic virtue.
Dealing with domestic violence
It seems as if the month of October focuses on many issues. It happens to be Domestic Violence Awareness Month. I think it also ties in with Respect Life Month, because we should respect the lives of all people.
The Catholic bishops of the United States have spoken out against domestic violence and have given their support to victims of domestic violence. In 2002, the bishops issued a statement, When I Call for Help: A Pastoral Response to Domestic Violence Against Women.
This statement can be found on the bishop’s website at www.usccb.org and is well worth reading.
Bishop Hying to speak at Theology on Tap on October 24
MADISON — Bishop […]
Diocese of Madison Annual Catholic Appeal recognized
With their three […]