To the editor:
As Catholics, we understand our Church has long been a voice for the voiceless — especially innocent unborn babies. Yet many view pro-life work as “too controversial” or simply uncomfortable.
I understand. Abortion should make us all uncomfortable because of what it does to women, babies, and all involved in the act, including those who work inside the abortion clinics.
On behalf of the St. Thomas Aquinas Respect Life Team, I invite you to join us in viewing the blockbuster movie Unplanned on Thursday, Oct. 24, at 6:30 p.m. in the St. Thomas Aquinas Social Hall, 602 Everglade Dr. in Madison.
It’s our hope that this free showing of the movie, which is based on the real-life conversion story of former Planned Parenthood abortion clinic director Abby Johnson, will inspire you to take action.
Please join us to celebrate Respect Life Month with us at St. Thomas Aquinas on October 24. Witness Abby’s powerful story, which millions have seen on the big screen, and ask God what He is calling you to do on behalf of the defenseless.
Janet M. Tuccinardi for the St. Thomas Aquinas Respect Life Team, Madison