To the editor:
One of the headlines in a recent issue of the La Crosse Tribune said: “Wisconsin GOP renews anti-abortion push.”
When will our local newspaper, the New York Times, and additional media use the terminology “pro-life or human life promoting”?
May each of us represent the words written in gold inside a ring, “He who saves one life saves the entire world.” The ring was given to Iskar Schinder in May 1945 from Jews he saved in his factory.
Science has defined human life as beginning when the sperm fertilizes an oocyte and together they form a zygote. This beginning is called “conception”. The movie Unplanned, featuring Abby Johnson, clearly depicts this, as well as what happens to a baby who is deliberately killed by abortion.
How many newspapers, radio, and TV gave it excellent coverage?
Sr. Rosalie Bauer, FSPA, RN, La Crosse