To the editor:
This is in response to Mary C. Uhler’s editorial in the May 16 issue of the Catholic Herald.
In regard to ID cards and driver’s licenses to undocumented residents, if you are here illegally, you have no right to driver’s licenses. Driving is a privilege, not a right.
As to returning 17-year-olds to the juvenile justice system, apparently Ms. Uhler has not experienced life in the inner city of Milwaukee. Young people, many of them gang members, are convicted regularly of murder, mayhem, rape, car jacking, robbery, burglary, etc.
They are dangerous persons, irregardless of their age, and they need to be incarcerated.
Jack T. Nehmer, detective, Milwaukee Police Department, retired; Chief of Neshkoro Police Department, retired, Neshkoro
Editor’s note: The positions expressed in the editorial were those taken by the Wisconsin Catholic Conference, the public policy arm of the state’s Catholic bishops.