To the editor:
Eucharistic ministers can help to save souls by bringing Communion to nursing homes. Most Catholics think that evangelization means “bringing people to Jesus,” but in a real sense, it includes “bringing the body of Jesus to people.”
This form of evangelization is becoming more important because we have an aging population, with nursing homes becoming a growing part of many communities.
Nursing homes are fertile grounds for evangelization in three categories: first, there are Catholics who want to continue sharing in the faith; second, there are “fallen-away” Catholics who might be looking for an opportunity to reach out for their eternal salvation; third, there are people of other faiths who may be touched by the attraction of seeing “how these Catholics love each other.”
Many parishes now have some visits to a nursing home, but we should consider going beyond a few days per month. Eucharistic ministers who may have time during the day or in the evening can begin the process of “adopting” a nursing home. The arrangement could start with one day per week for Communion. The next steps might be to increase the number of visits, forming a prayer group, or an on-site Mass.
Adolf Schimpf, Hanover Township