MADISON — In a letter written by Bishop Robert C. Morlino to the people of the Diocese of Madison regarding the ongoing sexual abuse scandal in the Church, he called all within the diocese to intensify their prayer and fasting for purification from this heinous sin.
Masses of reparation are being held throughout the diocese on September 14, the Feast of the Holy Cross.
Bishop Morlino will preside at the 12 noon Mass on Friday, Sept. 14, in the chapel at Holy Name Heights.
The bishop also invited people to observe the Au- tumn Ember Days (September 19, 21, and 22) “as days of fasting and abstinence in reparation for the sins and outrages committed by members of the clergy and episcopacy.”
What is reparation?
Reparation occurs when one makes amends for a wrong done, especially through sin. One can see that the word “repair” is closely linked to “reparation.”
When Jesus died on the Cross, he “offered his life out of love for the Father to make reparation for our sinful disobedience” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, p. 897).
His saving life, death, and resurrection repaired humanity’s relationship with God, lost by the sin of Adam and Eve.
When we offend God, we make amends by going to Confession and doing penance. We also can ask God fervently for mercy on others who may offend God.