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Month: August 2017
Approaching the Eucharist with childlike awe
In awe, my five-year-old son peered over the pew during the Consecration, the most holy part of the Mass during which the host and the wine become the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Normally my youngest can be a bit rambunctious during Mass, but we try to pull him aside and point out the miracle before us at each Consecration.
Seeing through a child’s eyes
“The priest, in persona Christi, is asking the Holy Spirit to change the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus right now,” I whispered into my son’s ear. “Look! He’s holding up Jesus!”
St. Elizabeth Home celebrates 50 years
“To each of our residents, those still with us this afternoon and those who celebrate with us from their place of eternity, we who have served here owe our profound thanks for trusting us with your care — with your very lives — permitting us to see the face of God in each of you.”
Considering options for infertile couples
When Catholic couples experience trouble getting pregnant, they often seek medical help and begin to research what options are available to them.
A number of moral considerations and questions generally emerge during this process: Why are techniques like in vitro fertilization (IVF) considered immoral? What approaches will the Church allow us to try? What does our infertility mean, spiritually and personally, in the face of our fervent but frustrated desire for a baby?
Catholic Charities seeks volunteers for The Beacon
MADISON — Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Madison is excited to be opening the new Homeless Day Resource Center in Madison — named The Beacon — this October.
To be able to operate The Beacon seven days a week, 365 days a year, Catholic Charities needs to find volunteers who are able to commit to monthly or weekly shifts in a variety of positions. These include:
Bride and the groom are sign of God’s love
Two weeks ago, I had the great good pleasure of presiding at the wedding of my niece, Bryna.
She has been, all her life, a lovely girl, full of joy and good cheer — and eager to give herself in service to others.
Her husband, Nelson, is also a fine person, and he took the courageous step of becoming a Catholic in anticipation of his wedding.
St. Patrick’s Catholic School in Janesville introduces variety of educational options
JANESVILLE — St. Patrick Parish, Janesville’s oldest Catholic parish, is hosting open houses in August to introduce the wide variety of educational options open to area parents, including a new homeschool ministry.
Located at 305 Lincoln St. in Janesville, the parish school will offer tours and information about available programs to area families after all weekend Masses the weekend of August 5 to 6.
Found article about truth ‘refreshing’
To the editor:
Kudos to Bishop Robert Morlino and Mary Uhler for demonstrating the courage, character, and integrity to publish Fr. Bevil Bramwell’s article revealing the truth about the “new left.”
Liked commentary on America’s societal ills
To the editor:
Fr. Bevil Bramwell’s article in the July 27 issue of the Catholic Herald entitled, “The Church and the New Left,” is a brilliantly expressed commentary on America’s societal ills.
One of my favorite expressions is that you cannot serve two masters. When people react politically due to ill conceived and wrongful “handouts” and ignore the Church truths, they are “denying their integrity as human beings.”
Commentary strays from Matthew 5-7
To the editor:
The commentary by Boyd Cathey, “The triumph of lunacy,” in the July 13 Catholic Herald, illustrates how far we can stray from the words of Jesus in Matthew 5-7 in our zeal to protect our Church.
I spent 42 years among students at what he characterized as a supposed center of higher education. Gullible, soul-less students? Hardly. They were too ethical and asked too many questions. And when they studied the Greek philosophers, they found men who engaged in discourse with and entertained the views of those with whom they differed.