A Mass of Christian Burial for Fr. Ronald Rank, who died May 24, 2017, will be celebrated in Waterloo on Wednesday, May 31.
Day: May 25, 2017
Bishop Morlino explains the ‘moral evil’ of surrogacy
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Bishop Robert C. Morlino gave a talk on the “Ethics of IVF and Surrogacy” at Holy Family Church in Waterloo on May 18. Here he is pictured with Fr. Jorge Miramontes, pastor. (Photo by Laura Karlen) |
WATERLOO — Fewer areas of ethics have become more complex than those surrounding reproductive technologies. How can the Catholic faithful begin to recognize the problems with advancements such as in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination, and surrogacy and truly understand the Church’s position?
It takes a good teacher. On Thursday, May 18, Bishop Robert C. Morlino drew on his doctoral studies in Moral Theology and specialization in bioethics to teach on the issue of surrogacy at Holy Family Catholic Parish in Waterloo.
Surrogacy agency
In early 2016, an existing surrogacy agency, Pink & Blue Surrogacy and Fertility LLC, moved into a storefront on the main street in Waterloo. The agency matches intended parents who desire a child with a surrogate mother, a woman who is contracted and compensated to carry a child —usually conceived through in vitro fertilization — for the intended parents.
At first glance, Bishop Morlino said this can sound like an “act of charity” on the part of the surrogate mother, who is enabling a couple to bring home a baby. But, a closer look reveals surrogacy’s “moral evil.”
Memorial Day reminds us to work for peace
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In Vietnam, Brian Rooney, an Army medic, knelt to read a dying soldier’s dog tags. As he did, the soldier whispered, “Remember me.” Rooney promised that he would remember him.
He certainly did. According to the May 23, 2003, Los Angeles Daily News, Brian Rooney spent thousands of his dollars and hundreds of hours memorializing and remembering America’s war dead.
Summer publication schedule
During the summer […]
History lessons of Our Lady of Fatima
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This past week, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady to a group of shepherd children near the Portuguese town of Fatima. The series of Fatima appearances — lasting from May until October of 1917 — is one of the most extraordinary in the history of the Church.
It has also beguiled political and cultural commentators outside the ambit of the Church, and it is this wider implication that I would like to explore.
Mother of Perpetual Help Icon to visit Redemptorist Retreat Center
OCONOMOWOC — The Redemptorists are celebrating the 150th Jubilee of promoting devotion to the miraculous Icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help — one of the most beloved images of the Mother of God in the worldwide Catholic Church — and offering a special novena and opportunities for private veneration at the Redemptorist Retreat Center in Oconomowoc May 28 to June 10.
The faithful in the Diocese of Madison are welcome to venerate a Jubilee Missionary Icon commissioned for the Jubilee Year from 8 a.m. until 9 p.m. Redemptorist Retreat Team staff also will lead a nine-day novena at 7 p.m. on May 30 to June 7.
Memorial Day Masses in Diocese of Madison
Memorial Day Masses will be held in the Diocese of Madison. Besides the Masses indicated here, check with local parishes for Masses being celebrated on Monday, May 29.
In Madison, a Memorial Day Mass will be held at Resurrection Cemetery, 2705 Regent St., at 10 a.m. Bishop Robert C. Morlino will be the principal celebrant and homilist. Area priests will serve as concelebrants. Knights of Columbus will serve as an honor guard. The Mass will be held outdoors, but in case of rain, Mass will be held at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, 405 S. Owen Dr. Refreshments will follow Mass.
Importance of visiting cemeteries
Editor’s note: Several years ago, I wrote this Editor’s View about the importance of visiting cemeteries. I felt it was worth repeating as we look forward to observing Memorial Day.
Maybe I’m a little strange, but I have always enjoyed visiting cemeteries. I still have memories from my childhood of walking around the small country cemetery when we visited my grandmother’s home not too far away.
It was interesting to see the names of our relatives on the tombstones. Some of the monuments even had pictures of the deceased and information about them. Rather then being scary, the cemetery gave me a sense of peace and connection with those who lived before me.
Pregnancy Helpline hosts dinner in support of Biking for Babies
MADISON — Pregnancy Helpline of Madison will host a potluck dinner in support of the Biking For Babies riders on Saturday, June 3, at the Catholic Multicultural Center, 1862 Beld St.
The dinner will be a celebration of pro-life culture. Pregnancy Helpline will share a presentation about their organization, while Biking For Babies riders will share testimonies of why they are pro-life riders.
Practicing NFP during premenopausal transition
MADISON — The Couple to Couple League will host a class targeted specifically for women in the premenopausal transition. This class begins Monday, June 5, at 7 p.m. at Holy Name Heights, 702 S. High Point Rd.
Couples who have learned various Natural Family Planning (NFP) methods are encouraged to attend. Instruction will include information so that all couples, no matter their original NFP method training, can practice NFP more confidently during this time.