Kila Hagie is expecting 155 babies! Not her own babies, of course. These are babies of pregnant women Hagie is helping at the Women’s Care Center (WCC) in Madison.
Day: January 18, 2017
There is hope for the pro-life movement
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Recently I greeted a young pregnant mother by saying, “Hi to both of you.” Her smile told me that she acknowledged she was carrying an unborn baby, not just a glob of tissue.
Weeks later I met her proud husband, their beautiful baby boy, and the baby’s admiring little big sister.
Volunteers give time and effort to end abortion
MADISON — When Mary Markielewski retired from her job as a psychiatric nurse at the Mendota Mental Health Institute in Madison, she found herself “seeking to do the will of God.”
In recent years, she has tried to live this out by praying outside the Planned Parenthood clinic on Madison’s east side for an end to abortion.
Surrogacy raises grave moral concerns, undermines dignity of procreation
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Sometimes when there is infertility in marriage, couples make the decision to seek out the services of a surrogate in order to have a child.
A surrogate is a woman who agrees to be implanted with an embryo produced by in vitro fertilization (IVF) and to hand over the newborn baby to the couple upon completion of the gestation and birth.
In recent years, gestational surrogacy has become a multi-million dollar industry, attracting a broad clientele ranging from married couples to single women, gay couples to anyone else with the desire for a baby and the ability to finance the undertaking.
“Silence” and the seaside martyrs
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Spoiler Alert: The following is the first half of Bishop Barron’s reflections on Martin Scorcese’s new film, Silence, in which he outlines the plot. In the second half, which we will publish next week, he discusses the ending of the film and adds his “dissenting” thoughts about it to the conversation among critics.
I have long been an ardent fan of Martin Scorsese’s films. Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Goodfellas, The Aviator, Gangs of New York, The Last Waltz, Casino, etc. are among the defining movies of the last 40 years. And The Departed, Scorsese’s 2007 crime drama, was the subject matter of the first YouTube commentary that I ever did.
This license plate can help save lives
On December 7, 2016, there was a quiet announcement that few people probably noticed. But it carried some significant news that can help save lives.
On that date, the Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicles announced that Choose Life Wisconsin Inc. is now an authorized group for the purpose of requesting a specialty license plate.
Thanks for help with Rosary Crusade
To the editor:
We want to thank the Catholic Herald for the publicity before our recent Rosary Crusade. We had a wonderful turn-out.
Our thanks go out to Fr. Peter Auer, who led the Rosary, including the Glorious Mysteries and Benediction afterwards; to the Fourth Knight Knights of Columbus Marie Assembly 1150 of Jefferson; and many others who helped with readings, songs, and setting up the chairs, including the ladies of the Council of Catholic Women, who provided the lunch.
Open house at St. Peter School
MIDDLETON — St. Peter Catholic Elementary School, 7129 CR. K, Middleton, will be hosting an open house event on Wednesday, Feb. 1, from 9:15 a.m to 11:30 a.m.
The event is open to all prospective families interested in learning how St. Peter Catholic School promotes a culture of scholarship, service, and salvation.
The morning includes an informational meeting with the principal, an opportunity to observe classes in session, time to talk individually with teachers in their classrooms, and a discussion on St. Peter Catholic School’s mission, spiritual opportunities, and an overview of the school programs.
Marriage Encounter hosts square dance
STOUGHTON — Worldwide Marriage Encounter is hosting a square dance on Saturday, Jan. 28, at 6:30 in the St. Ann School gym, 323 N. Van Buren.
There will be a potluck dinner (no nuts/peanuts) and drinks followed by two hours of guided square dancing by an official square dance caller.
Monona parish hosts talk on impact of anxiety on children
MONONA — Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish will host “Understanding the Impact of Anxiety on Children,” a talk by Justin Bangert, MS, LMFT, of the Center for Christian Counseling, Consultation, and Training, on Tuesday, Jan. 24, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in Marian Hall, 4913 Schofield St.
Parents of children of all ages are invited to the discussion about the common and uncommon effects anxiety may have on children.