Month: June 2016
Deacon Joseph Baker to be ordained to the priesthood
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Deacon Joseph Baker |
MADISON — Deacon Joseph Baker will be ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Robert C. Morlino of Madison on Friday, June 24, at 7:30 p.m. at St. Maria Goretti Church in Madison.
Everyone is invited to attend.
St. Maria Goretti is wheelchair accessible. There will be assistive-listening devices for the hard-of-hearing and a sign language interpreter for the deaf. Large-print leaflets will be available.
Rev. Mr. Joseph Baker
Parents: Kay and Mark Baker, Chippewa Falls, Wis.
Home parish: St. Paul University Catholic Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Grade school: McDonell Area Catholic Schools, Chippewa Falls, Wis.
High school: McDonell Central Catholic High School, Chippewa Falls, Wis.
Importance of fathers
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In his general audience on January 28, 2015, Pope Francis stated, “In modern societies, we are experiencing a crisis of fatherhood.
“In the past, it was common to perceive fathers as authoritarian and sometimes repressive; but, today we sense father’s uncertainty and confusion about his role. Without father figures, young people often feel ‘orphaned’, left adrift at a critical moment in their growth and development.”
Marking a milestone: St. Peter in Ashton’s 150th graduation
ASHTON — It was a day to celebrate the past, present, and future.
The 2016 graduating class of St. Peter School in Ashton was the 150th in the school’s history.
The eight fifth-graders finished the journey at one school with eyes on what lies ahead.
Mass and commencement
The graduation Mass and commencement exercises took place on June 2 at St. Peter Church in Ashton.
The class theme was, “There is always light in your heart.” The class colors were blue and red. The class flower was a rose.
Advising senior parents about housing decisions
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Question: I think this may have come up before, but I am wondering if there are some guidelines for choosing where to move when being at home is no longer an option.
My father is ready to move out of the family home. He admits he cannot keep up with maintenance and chores and since my mother passed away, he feels he is just occupying an empty space.
My siblings and I are so grateful he feels this way and want to support him as best we can. He does have some health issues and we have wondered if he is depressed or if he might have some memory issues because of some things he has been forgetting.
Catholic Herald wins national awards
ST. LOUIS, Mo. — The Catholic Herald-Diocese of Madison won four awards in the annual Catholic Press Association Press Awards competition announced at the annual Catholic Media Conference held recently in St. Louis.
The awards included:
• General Excellence — Judges commented, “Solid paper with well-written stories. News in this paper comes from a far-flung array of parishes, parochial schools, and communities distant from the chancery. Smoothly written and edited articles provide an interesting perspective on Catholic life and activities across a broad geographical area.”
Why this film is so boring
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With his latest film, Last Days in the Desert, Rodrigo Garcia has accomplished something truly remarkable.
He has taken a portion of the life of the single most compelling person who has ever lived and turned it into a colossally boring movie.
Madison Catholic Woman’s Club holds 102nd annual Spring Celebration
MADISON — The Madison Catholic Woman’s Club celebrated women of the past and present at the club’s 102nd annual Spring Celebration held recently at the Blackhawk County Club.
Christian Achievement Award
First for the present. Each year the club recognizes an individual or group of individuals who perform charitable works in the community with its Christian Achievement Award.
This year the award went to Rita Hohlstein, a member of St. John the Baptist Parish in Waunakee. Married to Ernie for 50 years, Hohlstein has two children and four grandchildren, noted Kathy Stroshane, the club’s Spiritual Committee chairperson.
Dinner and ‘A Little Golf’ benefits Monroe Clinic Hospice
Hans Lenzlinger and […]
Rosary Rallies for Religious Liberty in McFarland
MCFARLAND — For the fifth year, Christ the King Parish, McFarland, will be holding weekly Rosary Rallies for Religious Liberty.
The kick-off is on Tuesday, June 21. Pastor Fr. Steve Smith will present a short overview of the issues and talk about the perspective Catholics can bring to the challenges facing religious groups.
At the beginning of each subsequent rally, a three-minute reflection on faith will be read, with a related Rosary intention. The overview and reflections are printed in a booklet that will be available to anyone attending the rallies, and upon request.