To the editor:
Wisconsin’s pro-life advocates need to be contacting their legislators in the immediate future as the 2016 Legislative Floor Session will end the last part of February according to news reports.
Since September, Assembly Bill 305 — the Baby Body Parts Bill — has been languishing in the Assembly Rules Committee chaired by Representative Jim Steineke.
Feel free to contact Representative Steineke toll-free at 888-534-0005, Speaker Robin Vos at 888-534-0063, and Senator Scott Fitzgerald 608-266-5660. Please urge them to schedule the bill without delay.
Now is the time for pro-life taxpayers to let their state representatives and state senators know they want Assembly Bill 305 on Governor Scott Walker’s desk before the end of this session.
The toll-free number for the Legislative Hotline is 800-362-9472 and they can provide the contact information for your personal legislators.
Also, folks should contact Governor Walker at 608-266-1212 and urge him to sign the bill into law without delay. Please stand up now for Wisconsin’s innocent children.
Paul Lembrich, Janesville