To the editor:
This is a testimony from a young local lady: “My lifestyle had become so unmanageable, that every time I spoke with my mother on the phone, she asked me how she should start planning my funeral. I knew I had to get clean, but I didn’t know how. Then a miracle happened: I found out I was pregnant. Yes, a miracle, because this baby saved my life. Right then and there I stopped everything (addictive), and I moved back home and started planning our future — the future I would have with my baby. Now, I had a reason to live!”
This young lady is the reason pro-lifers have been beating their heads against a wall for 40 years. She didn’t need anyone to tell her what to do. She knew it instinctively.
Vulnerable unborn citizens deserve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. No one knows this better than the persons who find themselves responsible for another life in an unborn child.
Ministers, judges, politicians, and even parents are apathetic to life issues.
Thank you God for our young people!
Jane Tarrell, Highland