It was an hour before Mass and the parking lot at St. Maria Goretti Church in Madison was already filling up.
It was a familiar sight that both spring and Holy Week have arrived.
It was an hour before Mass and the parking lot at St. Maria Goretti Church in Madison was already filling up.
It was a familiar sight that both spring and Holy Week have arrived.
MADISON — Our Lady of Hope Clinic and the Women’s Care Center are partnering in “A Celebration of Life” benefit dinner for both organizations to be held on Saturday, April 25, at the Alliant Energy Center, 1919 Alliant Energy Center Way.
MADISON — Even as St. Paul University Catholic Center has been a fixture of the Madison-area Catholic community for over 100 years, there’s always something new being added to offer the life of the faith and the Catholic presence to students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
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Ask IPS |
Question: “How can I take responsibility for my own sinful actions, while still recognizing the mercy and love of God?”
Response: William McKenna, M.S., Clinical Extern at the IPS Center for Psychological Services
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I was pleased that the United States Supreme Court dismissed a suit brought by Michael Newdow, a Sacramento man who wanted to remove the phrase “In God We Trust” from the nation’s coins and paper currency, as well as from the fronts of our public buildings.
The argument that the gentleman brought forward was that this custom somehow violates the First Amendment guarantee that the government shall make no law either establishing an official religion or prohibiting the free exercise of religion in the United States.
MADISON — “You are the Gospel today.”
Those were the words of Msgr. Ken Fiedler during his homily at a Mass attended by dozens of volunteers, some of whom had put in an eight-hour day.
For the fourth year in a row, the Catholic Multicultural Center in Madison was busy with people of all ages packing meals for the hungry in the area and around the world.
The theme for the University of Wisconsin men’s basketball team has been “Make ’em believe.”
When they lost to Kentucky in the Final Four last year, most of the team (minus Ben Brust who graduated) came back to try to achieve their dream of becoming national champions.
They wanted people to believe that they could win that title, along with other goals of being conference champions in the regular season and post-season tournament.
Editor’s note: During this Year of Consecrated Life, this is the third in a series based on the Second Vatican Council’s document, Perfectae Caritatis (Decree on the Adaptation and Renewal of Religious Life) written by Abbot Marcel Rooney, OSB, former abbot primate of the Benedictine order who now resides in Madison.
The decree of the Second Vatican Council on which these reflections are based speaks in the very first paragraph about special gifts of the Holy Spirit which have been imparted to the Church.
The purpose of these gifts is the building up of the Church in the world, and for manifesting God’s own kind of Life in the world.
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Galatians 1:15-18 is not your basic witness-to-the-Resurrection text.
Yet St. Paul’s mini-spiritual autobiography helps us understand just how radically the experience of the Risen Lord changed the first disciples’ religious worldview, and why an evangelical imperative was built into that experience.
Here’s the Pauline text:
VERONA — Hannah’s […]