To the editor:
As we enter into this extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, it is good to see the extra times set aside by our priests for the Sacrament of Confession. I am concerned that most priests will have a lot of reading time or time to visit with Our Lord as they wait for people to come to this sacrament of mercy.
We must not judge another person, but our priests need to teach from the pulpit what sin is. Today’s Church has forgotten to lead people, to be a teacher to us, more on dogma on the faith and not just love your neighbor.
What is a sin and how to examine your conscience need to be preached from the pulpit again. Today’s world has accepted missing Mass on holy days or Sundays without a good reason should not keep you from coming forward to receive Our Lord in the Eucharist. This is just one of many examples of direction we need to hear taught from the pulpit by the teachers of our faith, our priests.
Many have forgotten what things could be sins because the world today accepts things as OK that God taught were not.
I encourage priests who are not preaching this to consider doing so during this Year of Mercy to help us realize how much we need God’s mercy.
Dale Lawinger, Mineral Point