I would like to congratulate Rev. Mr. Vince Brewer, Rev. Mr. Garrett Kau, and Rev. Mr. Steve Petrica on their upcoming ordination to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ. What an event of great joy for the diocese in this Year of Faith to have three men ordained for the ministry of the word and sacraments.
Year: 2013
Naming the Gosnell babies — Connecting with the humanity of aborted babies
The trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell is about much more than the man himself. In a painful way, it brings America face to face with abortion, which, as the defense argued, is “bloody” and “real.”
For those who have had abortions, it brings them again in touch with a pain that is never really far away, and it brings them in touch yet again with their need for healing.
Is incontinence normal with age?
Q: This is a very hard question to ask, but here goes. I have been helping my mom for the past couple of years. So far it has been house cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping — that kind of help. Lately I have noticed a strong smell of urine on her. I also notice it when I do her laundry and I think she is having problems with incontinence. I asked her if she had problems getting to the bathroom on time and she shrugged it off saying, “You have to expect that kind of thing when you are my age.” She is in pretty decent health for her age (86) so I don’t want to push this, but is it normal to lose some bladder control as you age? (From a daughter in Lodi).
Teens from four parishes come together to experience ‘virtue’ in Middleton
MIDDLETON — There’s a welcome sight once a week at the 8:15 a.m. daily Mass at St. Bernard Church in Middleton.
About 15 to 20 Middleton High School students take advantage of a late-start day to go to Mass and have breakfast together.
It’s one of many activities in the Cardinal Virtue youth apostolate for high school students in the Middleton area. It’s a joint effort by four parishes: St. Bernard in Middleton, St. Francis Xavier in Cross Plains, St. Peter in Ashton, and St. Martin of Tours in Martinsville.
Spring Wine Fest shows support for new building
To say the night was merely a success would certainly be an understatement. Now in its fourth year, the Spring Wine Fest hosted by St. Paul University Catholic Center was held on Friday, May 3, at the Madison Concourse Hotel just steps away from the Wisconsin state capitol building.
Author writes book to assist mothers in imitating Mary
Often sickly as a child, Catholic columnist and author, Marge Fenelon, spent many days lying on the living room sofa looking up at the picture of Mary and baby Jesus on the wall.
The print, a copy of Mother Thrice Admirable, was a gift to her mother from Fr. Joseph Kentenich, the founder of the Apostolic Movement of Schoenstatt, when Fenelon was just a year old.
Often sickly as a child, Catholic columnist and author, Marge Fenelon, spent many days lying on the living room sofa looking up at the picture of Mary and baby Jesus on the wall.
Bishops oppose rent-to-own changes
MILWAUKEE — At a press conference April 26, Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki expressed his opposition to a provision in the state budget that would exempt rent-to-own (RTO) businesses from key provisions of the Wisconsin Consumer Act (WCA).
Speaking at the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, Archbishop Listecki joined the Chamber’s president and CEO, Maria Monreal-Cameron; Lutheran Bishop Jeff Barrow of the Greater Milwaukee Synod of the ELCA; Senator Glenn Grothman (R-West Bend), Senator Lena Taylor (D-Milwaukee); Bruce Speight, director of the consumer advocacy group WISPERG; and others.
Praying for peace: Imploring Our Blessed Mother’s intercession
Our country and our world continue to experience violence, war, and unrest every day. This past month we’ve witnessed acts of terrorism in the United States and abroad, along with murders, kidnapping, and bombings in many parts of the globe.
May is the month traditionally dedicated to Mary, Our Blessed Mother. She has been called the “Queen of Peace,” so it might behoove us to implore her intercession for peace in our world.
Encyclical issued in 1965
On April 29, 1965, Pope Paul VI issued an encyclical called Mense Maio, “The Month of May,” which was dedicated to the “preservation of peace.” The document was published five months after the promulgation of the Second Vatican Council’s Apostolic Constitution, Lumen Gentium. It has been said that the political struggle with communism was the underlying cause for Pope Paul VI writing this encyclical, which still resonates with us today.
In this encyclical, the Holy Father said, “Our heart rejoices at the thought of the moving tribute of faith and love which will soon be paid to the Queen of Heaven in every corner of the earth. For this is the month during which Christians, in their churches and their homes, offer the Virgin Mother more fervent and loving acts of homage and veneration; and it is the month in which a greater abundance of God’s merciful gifts comes down to us from our Mother’s throne.”
La alegre noticia de un nuevo diácono: Scott Jablonski
Esta columna es la comunicación del Obispo con los fieles de la Diócesis de Madison. Cualquier circulación más amplia va más allá de la intención del Obispo. |
Queridos Amigos,
El fin de semana pasado en Baraboo, ordené a Scott Jablonski en el diaconado y estoy muy agradecido a Scott y al P. Jay Poster y a los fieles en Baraboo por su grandiosa acogida y el gran esfuerzo realizado en la preparación de la Misa. Aquí me gustaría contar algunas cosas que compartí con nuestro nuevo diácono y los feligreses en ese lugar, compartiéndolas ahora por este medio a todos los fieles:
Hijos del obispo
Los diáconos y los sacerdotes de la diócesis son todos, de una manera especial, hijos del obispo. Y a pesar que las edades no encajan precisamente para todos los sacerdotes y diáconos, esto funciona bien en el caso del Diácono Scott.
Y es por eso que es una bendición tan grande ser un obispo, incluso con todo lo demás que conlleva el ministerio; es tan maravilloso porque el obispo puede llamar al diácono o al sacerdote, “mi hijo”.
Este año, en el Año de la Fe, hemos estado hablando de la belleza de nuestra fe — la belleza que se muestra en las obras de caridad (en las que muchos de ustedes trabajan tan bien como comunidad cristiana), la belleza expresada en la liturgia, la belleza que se manifiesta en la Verdad de Jesucristo que recibimos mediante la Iglesia y en la que creemos.
Nuestra vida de la fe es una vida en la que nos encontramos rodeados de la belleza. Y la belleza de nuestra vida de fe es una vida que ha sido captada de manera hermosa por las Escrituras que se leyeron en cada una de nuestras parroquias este fin de semana que pasó – Escrituras que se aplican también de manera hermosa al Diaconado.
Enfocándonos en la muerte, la vida y la misericordia
Esta columna es la comunicación del Obispo con los fieles de la Diócesis de Madison. Cualquier circulación más amplia va más allá de la intención del Obispo. |
“Lucharon vida y muerte en singular batalla, Save
Y muerto el Príncipe de la Vida, triunfante se levanta.
“Cristo incluso de la muerte se elevó, obteniéndonos una nueva vida.
¡Ten piedad, rey vencedor, Tú que reinas por siempre!”
(Secuencia de Pascua)
Elegí estas dos líneas para enfocarnos en este Tiempo de Pascua, porque reflejan exactamente los temas que nuestro Santo Padre, el Padre Francisco, lanzó durante varios de los primeros días de Pascua. Él ha lanzado la pregunta y tratado el asunto desde las Escrituras, ¿Por qué buscáis entre los muertos al que está vivo? (Lc 24:5)
“Lucharon vida y muerte en singular batalla,” y la vida triunfó, de manera que el Santo Padre se pregunta, haciendo eco del mensaje del ángel, “¿por qué buscan entre los muertos al que está vivo?
Un segundo punto en el que se ha centrado el Santo Padre es el de asegurarnos, una vez más, que nadie con un corazón abierto y bueno está fuera de los límites de la misericordia de Jesucristo, ganada mediante Su muerte en la Cruz, y confirmada por Su Resurrección.
Y de esta manera, tenemos dos palabras, o grupos de palabras: “muerte y vida” y “misericordia”, sobre las cuales deberíamos meditar en este tiempo de Pascua.