Year: 2013
Bishop leads Adoration, Corpus Christi, and Capitol procession ceremonies
“O salutaris Hostia, Quae cæli pandis ostium: Bella premunt hostilia, Da robur, fer auxilium.”
At 10 a.m. Madison time on Sunday, June 2 (5 p.m. Vatican time), a small gathering at St. Patrick Church in Madison chanted the familiar hymn for exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
St. Vincent de Paul opens pharmacy in Madison
MADISON — For years, people have come to the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry on Fish Hatchery Rd. in Madison to get a helping hand to feed themselves and their families.
Now, just one floor below the pantry, people with nowhere else to turn can get assistance with their medications.
Helping those who need it
Since early April, a stand-alone, charitable pharmacy has been serving local low-income clients, who don’t have insurance or any other coverage option.
Clients can use valid prescriptions at the new pharmacy from physicians and other licensed prescribers.
Sister brings joy to others despite terminal cancer
CROSS PLAINS — There’s a special parking space in front of St. Francis Xavier’s parish office — a cone with lots of markings letting people know — this spot is reserved for Sister John Rose.
In recent weeks, you could see signs all around Cross Plains asking for prayers and encouraging her to, “Hang in there, Sister!” I found her inside the church, moving around the facility, attending to visitors. She was willing to take a little time to talk about her recent diagnosis.
Sr. John Rose Acker has been involved in pastoral ministry at St. Francis Xavier Parish in Cross Plains for 23 years, where she ministers to the sick, elderly, and dying. Prior to that, she was a teacher for 32 years. She celebrates 62 years as a School Sister of St. Francis this year.
Parishes to host exhibition of sacred relics
ASHTON/SUN PRAIRIE — St. Peter Parish in Ashton and Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Parish in Sun Prairie will host an exhibition of sacred relics with Fr. Carlos Martins of the Companions of the Cross.
St. Peter Parish, 7121 County Hwy. K, will host an evening of exposition and presentation on hundreds of sacred relics on Monday, June 24. The evening will begin at 7 p.m. with catechesis on holy relics by Father Martins in the church building and will continue with the relics exhibition in the school building.
As part of the year-long celebration of the parish’s 150th anniversary, Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Parish, 221 Columbus St., Sun Prairie, will present a teaching and exposition of sacred relics on Tuesday, June 25, at 7 p.m. Father Martins will teach about these holy objects.
La Madre Bendita nos ayudará a vencer el mal
Esta columna es la comunicación del Obispo con los fieles de la Diócesis de Madison. Cualquier circulación más amplia va más allá de la intención del Obispo. |
Queridos amigos:
Para los que quieren ver, no hace falta mirar mucho para darse cuenta del mal que nos rodea. Mentiras y engaño, violencia y homicidio, odio y malicia, y cada vez con más frecuencia, el mal tratado como virtud.
Este mal, causado por el pecado del hombre, nos rodea, divide a nuestras familias, a nuestra Iglesia, nuestro país y nuestro mundo. Por eso y hasta ahora el Papa Francisco ha mencionado al mal y al demonio en una buena cantidad de sus discursos y homilías. El mal es real y prevalece.
Llamado a la Nueva Evangelización
Esta es también la razón por la que especialmente nuestros Papas recientes han hecho un llamado a la Nueva Evangelización. Es vitalmente importante para nosotros “ir a todo el mundo y proclamar el Evangelio” (Mc 16:15).
El Espíritu Santo trae armonía
Esta columna es la comunicación del Obispo con los fieles de la Diócesis de Madison. Cualquier circulación más amplia va más allá de la intención del Obispo. |
Queridos amigos:
En su homilía en la mañana de Pentecostés — que tuvo tres puntos y que por su puesto estuvo centrada en el Espíritu Santo — el Papa Francisco comenzó diciendo que él es muy devoto de un Padre de la Iglesia que dijo que el Espíritu Santo es, Él mismo, armonía. El Espíritu Santo es, Él mismo, armonía. Cuando celebramos un Año de la Fe y la Nueva Evangelización a través de la belleza, que bella imagen esa del Espíritu Santo: la armonía.
Es en la armonía que escuchamos bellamente reflejados la buena música preparada por los coros. La armonía es agradable al oído y eleva el corazón. La armonía tiene un efecto particularmente positivo en la gente cuando están dispuestos a ella, porque ellos mismos se armonizan en primer lugar. Puedes oír la armonía que desees, pero si no estás armonizado, en realidad no hace ninguna diferencia.
Mucha gente no está armonizada
En nuestra sociedad y en nuestra cultura, mucha gente no está armonizada. Esa es la razón por la que, por ejemplo, los jóvenes pueden acostumbrarse a la música que escuchan la mayor parte del tiempo. Mucho de esto realmente no es agradable al oído pero es un gusto adquirido y ciertamente resuena en aquellos que experimentan una gran angustia no armonizada en sus vidas cotidianas.
Family caregiving: The division of labor
Q: This question may have been raised before, but I need to ask again. We are a family of four brothers all helping our 90-year-old mother and developmentally delayed sister. We had to place our mother in a nursing home a year ago due to physical issues. One brother lives out of state so we keep him updated by phone and naturally don’t expect any physical help from him. The rest of us live near each other and share the responsibilities, with the exception of one brother. We ask him to do a very specific task and he can never seem to follow through. There is always some kind of lame excuse. Sometimes I think he does this on purpose to get out of helping. This is getting very old. Do you have any suggestions? (A son in Barneveld).
The Holy Eucharist: Theology and Spirituality, part three
By Abbot Marcel Rooney, OSB
This is the third in a series of articles examining the theology and spirituality of the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
In the previous two articles on the theology and spirituality of the Holy Eucharist, there were outlined a number of important points about the faith of the Church in this central sacrament.
Prayers of the Mass on Feast of Corpus Christi
In a very telling way, almost all these points are expressed in the Prayer texts of Holy Mass for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), which we have just celebrated on Sunday, June 3.
The Collect/Opening Prayer of Holy Mass on the solemnity, for example, speaks of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist as the memorial of Christ’s Passion — as does the Preface.
St. Joseph students win big in math competition
FORT ATKINSON — Several students from St. Joseph School in Fort Atkinson were among the nearly 150,000 students worldwide to participate this year in the Math Olympiad program.
They participated in a series of five monthly contests of five problems each, from November to March, and weekly practice sessions under the supervision and coaching of parent volunteers.
The children were asked to solve unusual and difficult problems by applying math principles, logic, and by thinking creatively.