As the bells rang out from the church’s bell tower, people filled Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Church for a special Mass culminating the parish’s year-long celebration of its 150th anniversary on Sunday, Oct. 27.
Month: October 2013
Nora Durst receives the Jack McBride Leadership in Ministry Award
MADISON — At 90 years, Nora Durst is still going strong in her service to the Church.
She received the Jack McBride Leadership in Ministry Award on September 26. The Madison Diocese Religious Educator’s Organization (MDREO) recognized her for her service at their recent Catechetical Convocation at the Bishop O’Connor Center.
Sharing her faith
For over 60 years, Durst has been involved in faith formation, and a beautiful witness to others in sharing her Catholic faith. When asked about her work for the Church, she replied, “I did what I saw needed to be done.” And that has included a variety of roles and tasks over the years.
Mary as ‘the loosener of knots’
Dear Friends,
Even as we come upon the last days and hours of this month of October, I cannot fail to take a few moments to reflect upon the woman we’ve been honoring in a special way — Mary, the mother of Jesus, and our mother.
Edgewood College goes green with goats
MADISON — For two weeks in late October, the Edgewood College campus had about 40 special guests, but they weren’t there to study.
Students, faculty, staff, and guests who walked near a wooded area on the southern part of the campus found a fenced area set up — for goats.
The goats were on hand to help the school’s Landscape and Grounds Department to clear invasive plant species along the shore of Lake Wingra.
The goats, quite simply, were brought in to eat the plants.
Personhood campaign seeks to extend protection to preborn children
To the editor:
Personhood is the fundamental civil rights issue of our time. The pro-life movement is founded on the bedrock principle that all human beings, at all stages of development, deserve full protection under the law.
Our nation’s history of civil rights progress has been fueled by this principle. But one injustice remains: the legal discrimination against pre-born babies, who can be freely mutilated and killed throughout all nine months of pregnancy.
The Wisconsin Personhood campaign seeks to pass an amendment to the state constitution legally recognizing that all preborn human beings are “persons” whose unalienable right to life is protected by the state.
The Sacrament of Holy Orders, part two
By Abbot Marcel Rooney, OSB
This is the second installment in a two-part series on the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
The ordination of priests
From the outset, the Rite of Ordination of a Priest places this sacrament in the context of Jesus, our great High Priest, choosing “certain disciples to carry out publically in His Name, and on behalf of mankind, a priestly office in the Church.”
As such, priests are called to be co-workers with the order of bishops.
Care for the dying: We must resist efforts to legalize physician-assisted suicide
Often when we speak of respecting all human life, we talk about the full spectrum of life from “womb to tomb.” However, it seems as if more of our energy and attention seem to focus on the beginning of life rather than the end of it.
That’s probably because most people don’t like to think about death and dying. Even though we will all die sometime, we usually prefer to put off any discussions about dying until we’re forced into it.
Physician-assisted suicide
However, we should be concerned about issues involving care of the sick and dying, particularly in light of increased efforts to pass laws legalizing physician-assisted suicide.
Spanish Mass at Multicultural Center
Earth is dangerously warming — and we’re causing it
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I usually write a column on global warming during the height of summer heat — it’s harder for people to deny global warming when they’re sweating.
But the highly authoritative United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) recent report, “Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis” (, has important warnings for us to seriously consider now.
Day of the Dead altars in Princeton