This year’s 40 Days for Life vigil to end abortion in Madison is set for Wednesday, Sept. 25, through Sunday, Nov. 3, near the Planned Parenthood Clinic on Orin Rd. in Madison.
Day: September 19, 2013
Society of St. Vincent de Paul services poor in 149 countries
MADISON — Since its founding by college students in 1833 in Paris, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul has grown to serve the poor in 149 countries on five continents.
Its international president is a sign of that worldwide growth. Dr. Michael Thio, a resident of Singapore, is the first non-European to serve as the society’s international president.
Going forward and looking back
MADISON — As the 2013 National Assembly of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul entered its third full scheduled day of events, it was a time to look back on how all the society’s works started.
The year 2013 marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
Retreat on Ozanam’s life
A crowded Grand Ballroom at the Concourse Hotel in Madison, filled with members and volunteers from all across the country, spent part of the morning in a retreat, reflecting on Ozanam’s life.
The retreat was led by Ralph Middlecamp, society executive director for the district council of Madison, and by Sr. Kieran Kneaves, Daughter of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul since 1958.
Keeping seniors safe in their homes

They live in a large two story home with the bedrooms and one bathroom upstairs. Neither one of them can climb stairs very well.
It is not the best setting for them in my opinion. I worry about them and try to check on them as often as possible but frankly I can’t get over there all the time. They are not asking for help — I just don’t want to walk in and find a disaster some day.
They will not spend any money on repairs or updates to make living there easier and they will not even consider moving to a more accessible or supportive living environment. Do I just let them stay and risk injury or is there a way I can force the subject? (From a son in Waunakee).
Celebration Sept. 22 at Island Church
WATERLOO — The Island Church Foundation invites the public to return to the Island Church as it concludes its 150th year with the annual St. Wenceslaus Day celebration on Sunday, Sept. 22.
The celebration will take place from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and will include a soup and sandwich lunch and a Catholic Mass in the church at 2 p.m.
Theology on Tap
MADISON — Theology on Tap for young adults will meet on Thursday, Sept. 26, at 7 p.m. at the Brink Lounge, 701 E. Washington Ave.
Brandon Cook and Jim Stokman will speak on “What Does It Mean To Be Human?: Fulfilling the Needs of Our Hearts.”
This presentation will discuss how looking at our life’s experience helps us to know (1) how we’re made and (2) what can fulfill us.
St. Ambrose Academy Faculty Lecture Series resumes with all new topics for 2013-14
MADISON — Inspired by the words of St. Matthew’s Gospel, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven,” St. Ambrose Academy is once again highlighting the expertise of faculty this year with another Faculty Lecture Series, all new for 2013-14.
These lectures, which are free and open to the public, provide an opportunity for community members to consider an interesting topic, learn something new, and grow in the faith.
Virtual pilgrimage
All area Catholics are invited to encounter Our Lady and St. Bernadette through a “Virtual Pilgrimage of Lourdes” which will take place at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, 209 South St., on Sunday, Sept. 29, at 2 p.m.
St. Henry Parish to host Family Trivia Night
WATERTOWN — St. Henry Parish, 412 N. Fourth St., will host its second annual “Family Trivia Night” on Saturday, Oct. 12. The event is sponsored by the Home and School Association.
“Gather your family and friends, dust off your gray matter, and join us for some light-hearted competition involving trivial matters,” said Katie Schroeder, member of the St. Henry Trivia Committee.
Mass and Rosary