Each Saturday, just a few blocks away from the classic Madison tradition of the farmer’s market, groups of people are coming to pray at the former site of St. Raphael Cathedral.
Day: August 22, 2013
Women’s Care Center-Madison helps families choose life
MADISON — Since it opened in January of 2012, the Women’s Care Center-Madison (WCCM) has affected the lives of over 435 families, including at least 50 who had a change of heart and chose life for their baby.
WCCM is located at 3711 Orin Rd. on Madison’s east side, right across the street from the Planned Parenthood abortion facility. A dedicated group of volunteers purchased the property for the WCCM, hoping to provide an alternative for those seeking an abortion.
Eucharistic Rosary Rally for Peace and the Family
MILWAUKEE — “Hearts United 2013,” a Eucharistic Rosary Rally for Peace and the Family, will be held on Saturday, Sept. 7, at the Wisconsin Exposition Center, located on the corner of 84th St. and Greenfield Ave. in West Allis.
Everyone is welcome, including youth and young adults, men and women, single and married. Bring the entire family.
On really not getting it
In the wake of late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell’s homicide convictions this past May, several state legislatures began crafting laws that would protect unborn life at earlier stages of gestation while shutting down horror houses like Gosnell’s Philadelphia “clinic.”
Whether these laws will stand constitutional scrutiny remains to be seen; what is worth noting now is the degree to which deeply-entrenched supporters of the unrestricted abortion license created by the Supreme Court in 1973 still don’t get it — and still continue to muddle the public debate with their confusions.
Abortion is THE issue; over 50 million lives lost
To the editor:
FINALLY, there is a writer in the Catholic Herald who is angry about legal abortion. After 40 years of hearing so little from priests on the subject, and reading mostly about the acceptance of what we cannot change, one writer in the last issue — George Weigel — seems to be upset.
I didn’t really understand the title “On really not getting it” but it must have made me curious. We’re at the point of taking lives in abortion clinics in filthy conditions, and even killing the children after they have been born and in circumstances where the sex of the baby is not what the parents want and without any affiliation with a doctor or a hospital and on the tax payers’ dime.
Recognizing depression affecting a senior citizen

My issue is with my dad’s emotional health. He sleeps almost all day. He gets up to eat and then returns to bed or to his chair and naps. He has lost interest in gardening, helping around the house, and doesn’t even seem to want to go out or do anything.
My mother feels it is just his age and doesn’t expect him to help with anything. She does not want to force the issue. I say he is depressed but my mom doesn’t want to do anything about it. It is sad to see him sleeping away — should we force him to see a doctor? (From a son in Monona.)
‘Faith & Fun’ program in Belmont
BELMONT — This year, the focus of the “Faith & Fun” summer program for children at St. Philomena Parish in Belmont was the Year of Faith as proclaimed by our former Pope, Benedict XVI.
Children participating in the program were given a mustard seed and focused on the biblical text: “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you could move a mountain.”
Madison Catholic Woman’s Club to present benefit style show
MADISON — The Madison Catholic Woman’s Club invites all the women of the diocese to a benefit dessert and fashion show.
Christopher & Banks and CJ Banks at Greenway Station in Middleton will present the “Color Me Autumn” Style Show at the St. Peter Church Social Center, 5001 N. Sherman Ave. in Madison, on Monday, Sept. 9. Dessert will be served at 12 noon with the fashion show beginning at 12:30 p.m.
Knights sponsor golf tournament
Theology on Tap for young adults
MADISON — Theology […]