Helen M. [Lawinger] Flanagan, age 91, mother of Fr. Dave Flanagan, pastor of St. Rose of Lima Parish, Cuba City, and St. Patrick Parish, Benton, died on Thursday, April 25, 2013, at Upland Hills Health Hospital in Dodgeville.
Month: April 2013
Former members of Diocesan Choir will return for special performance on May 3
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The current Madison Diocesan Choir under the direction of Dr. Patrick Gorman. (Contributed photo) |
MADISON — In celebrating 40 years of music ministry, the Madison Diocesan Choir will present a free spring concert like no other at the Bishop O’Connor Catholic Pastoral Center on Friday, May 3.
The evening concert will include former members in performing favorite, heartfelt hymns of the past, as well as relatively new songs of praise.
Choir will swell to over 100 voices
The choir has more than 70 active members representing parishes throughout the diocese. On this festive occasion, however, its numbers will swell to more than 100 as the former members, some of them founding members, join in singing sacred music, including signature pieces the choir has sung from its beginning.
For Dr. Patrick Gorman, now in his 21st year as director, the biggest challenge may be finding space for them all in the O’Connor Center chapel. Assistant Director Glenn Schuster will accompany the anniversary choir in the concert, which begins at 7:30 p.m. in the chapel of the center, located at 702 S. High Point Rd.
Pregnancy Helpline Sharing Center relocates to CMC, schedules open house
MADISON — The Pregnancy Helpline (PH) Sharing Center has relocated to the Catholic Multicultural Center (CMC), 1862 Beld St., in the lower level.
To celebrate its new location, PH will be holding an open house on Saturday, May 4, from 2 to 4 p.m. All are welcome to attend.
“We are so pleased to be in this beautiful location, partnering with an organization that has a similar mission to ours — to serve all people in a holistic and caring way,” said PH Executive Director Alissa Hirscher.
Celebrating moral courage: ‘42’ and us
Baseball and movies don’t often play well together. William Bendix as a Marine who dies happy in Guadalcanal Diary because he’s just heard that the Dodgers have won is an icon of 1940s Americana; the same William Bendix as the Bambino in The Babe Ruth Story is a sad business, to be consigned to the (bad) memory bank.
The Natural and Bull Durham have their moments, but when push comes to shove, they’re both, finally, about something other than baseball.
The saints come marching in!
CROSS PLAINS — On Friday, April 12, St. Francis Xavier School, Cross Plains, became a “little Heaven” when the saints “came marching in.”
The fifth graders, under the guidance of their teacher, Jennifer Esser, did research on their patron saints or those they were interested in.
St. Ambrose student takes third place in state geography bee
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Justin Hineline, an eighth-grader from St. Ambrose Academy, took third place in the National Geographic state bee. (Contributed photo/Angela Hineline) |
MADISON — Eighth-grader Justin Hineline, who attends St. Ambrose Academy in Madison, recently took third place in the state level of the
National Geographic Bee. It was his second consecutive trip to the competition.
Hineline made it through the preliminary rounds with a perfect score before advancing to the finals.
There, he made it through 14 rounds of play, competing neck-and-neck with the eventual first place winner, Asha Jain, a seventh-grader from Minocqua.
Learning about the world
Justin’s journey began two years ago when he took second place in the school level of the bee as a sixth-grader. His mother, Angela, said Justin “enjoyed the experience so much that he decided to study for the school bee his seventh grade year.”
After months of intense study, including state capitols and major landforms in the United States, Justin won the school geography bee as a seventh-grader. Shortly after that, he tested in the top 100 students to qualify for the state-level bee.
The Holy Eucharist: Theology and Spirituality, part one
By Abbot Marcel Rooney, OSB
As we begin this reflection on the theology and spirituality in the Holy Eucharist, it would be well to think first about the meaning of the word “Eucharist” itself. It comes from the Greek, and has two main parts: “Eu” and “charis.”
Meaning of the word
“Eu” means “good.” The basic meaning of “charis” is “gift.” Putting them together, we have “a good gift.” The “good gift” referred to is what God has done for His chosen and beloved People. He has, first of all, created us and given us life.
A stewardship story
He looked very young. I guess he had to be about nine years old. But, to look at him you’d say he was more like six or seven.
He stood in the sacristy dressed in his white cassock, looking more like he was waiting to be led to the gallows rather then serve at Mass.
Family Adoration at Ashton
ASHTON — Family Adoration is a time of guided prayer and song that is perfect for families with children who would like to learn more about Eucharistic Adoration and experience this powerful prayer time together.
Adoration lasts 30 minutes and is followed by a potluck meal and fellowship.
Red shoes, black shoes
Pope Francis’ choice of shoes is not just about his preference of accessories. It’s a statement about the direction he’ll be taking his papacy. There’s a powerful witness in that direction.
That said, lest we get the wrong message (and I think many are), this new direction should not be perceived as a condemnation of his predecessors, nor of the rich symbolism that has always surrounded the papacy.