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Lila Rose | |
A seeker of Truth: Lila Rose’s conversion story I was raised Protestant and homeschooled. I read Catholic books, such as Joan of Arc by Mark Twain and Father Elijah by Michael O’Brien and I loved G.K. Chesterton and C.S. Lewis. My father was committed to seeking the Truth and read the Church Fathers, so I was reading his books and learning alongside him. With this rich introduction through literature and with my father’s example, by the time I got to college I was eager to learn about the Catholic Church. |
I found out about abortion at a young age and it changed me; I wanted to do something. After six years of being active in our local community,
I founded Live Action in 2003 when I was 15. That was the beginning of my vision of approaching pro-life activism with aggressive education by using the truth revealed through undercover investigations in abortion centers.
When people question the morality of Live Action’s undercover investigations, I explain that Live Action did not invent undercover work. It has been done for years by many different industries and branches of the government, by journalists, by businesses for better business practices, and by the CIA, FBI, the military.
Historically, people involved in undercover work have been recognized for their heroism by risking their lives — at a time when there was a lot at stake, perhaps innocent lives. That’s just what Live Action does.
What we do is not lying so that we can deceive someone, but we are documenting actual scenarios. Our investigations enable us to present these scenarios to the abortion industry, challenging them to own up to their true motives and abusive practices.
There have been times when I’ve been undercover that have been nerve-wracking, but in the end I keep in mind that I’m not in danger of being aborted. We are protected by the U.S. judicial system. I don’t fear for myself in the abortion clinic, instead my heart aches for the children who are not protected and for the women who go in, usually deceived, to make those decisions.
Live Action’s impact
I think Live Action has given many people a deeper understanding of the radical pro-abortion ideology of Planned Parenthood and the many abuses that ultimately accompany abortion at Planned Parenthood.
Because of our work, Planned Parenthood has demonstrated how political they are and how radical their support of abortion is, even putting vulnerable young girls at risk. They have branded themselves as an organization in pursuit of abortion at any areas, anywhere and at any time. These are really good things for the pro-life movement and the educational work has really just begun and there is so much more to do.
A new pro-life generation emerges
With the rise of social and online media and the imaging of the child in the womb, it is undeniable for many people that this is life inside the womb. In order to intellectually strengthen the new generation from being swayed by the culture of death, Catholics are required to spread a pro-life system of thought.
The Christian belief that people are made in the image and likeness of God has radical repercussions in how government should treat its people and how laws should be made.
The polling indicates that Americans are increasingly pro-life. We have to ensure that people understand that human life is precious and why laws should be made to protect fundamental human rights. Rights that are not created by the government but instead are written in natural law by God, who is the Creator and Lover of every person.
A Catholic’s responsibility for Personhood
Catholics need to be communicating with their legislators on pro-life issues regularly. The first bill that is very critical is the Personhood legislation, which defines the child in the womb and every human being as a person regardless of their size or level of development or any health related issue.
Those laws are really a radical confrontation on the corruption in our political and judicial system, because it makes those people state their position on what a person is.
The other piece I would say that is the most important is de-funding legislation — to insure that groups like Planned Parenthood are not receiving taxpayer dollars.
What can I do, Lila Rose?
I would tell Catholics first of all to pray. Go in front of the Blessed Sacrament and ask God, “How can I become closer to you and how can I serve your children?”
Jesus tells us that whatever we do for the least of these we do unto him. I think there are none who are more of the least of these than the unborn child in the womb.
The second thing is to prioritize. To really look at what we are doing with our lives and admit that we are living in times of great spiritual crisis, a crisis of human rights, a crisis in our families, a political crisis.
Prioritize the problems. There are a lot of issues in the world today, but one of the greatest issues is the cry of the unborn child. As Mother Teresa says, “The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion.”
The final thing is to act. Find out what you can do, get involved, and take some risks. Sign up for 40 Days for Life, http://www.40daysforlife.com/madison/ and get involved in your local pregnancy center by visiting http://www.carenetdane.org/
Does your college or high school have a pro-life education program? Is there a pro-life ministry at your parish? It is your responsibility to ensure that your community is becoming more pro-life and that you are showing opposition to your local abortion clinic.