To the editor:
I was reading the guest column by Frank Zawlocki (April 25 issue, Catholic Herald) and it brought back memories of my serving days. I loved serving and we actually had to memorize Latin responses back then.
My mother was a little embarrassed one time on Sunday when the sermon was over and she saw me sitting asleep. Thirty seconds later, I heard the people responding to the priest and I rose very quickly.
For the last 45 years, I’ve been playing guitar and piano at church every Sunday. I average at least two mistakes each Sunday.
Does it bother me? No, I laugh to myself and go on. Sometimes I daydream and miss a response.
The priest might say, “You had a senior moment!” I respond, “Yes.” It happens and I just laugh to myself.
So much for this imperfect world of ours.
Hal Joyce, St. Mary of the Lake Parish, Westport