To the editor:
As a former student of Sandy Hook Elementary School who still lives in Sandy Hook today, I am saddened at the tragedy that occurred. It is devastating that so many innocent children’s lives were taken before they had their first day of middle school, their first day behind the wheel, their first time falling in love — so many firsts that these children will never experience.
On January 25, hundreds of thousands of people who have achieved these milestones were going to “March for Life” in Washington for another group of people who have not been given the opportunity to experience their most important first — their first breath.
How is it that we as a nation can grieve over the lives of these 20 children but not over the 55,000,000 children who were aborted before taking their first breath over the past 40 years? As Mother Teresa once said, “We must not be surprised when we hear of murders, killings, of wars, or of hatred . . . If a mother can kill her own child, what is left but for us to kill each other?”
Alexandra Hamar, Sandy Hook, Conn.